Serial Killer - Connor X Jared

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    Connor always preferred things dead. Pets, Friends, his lunch meat. Things that were alive were too noisy, too opinionated. Not that he didn't enjoy the writhing of something desperately trying to escape his hands, but death was so much calmer.

    It had started with a bird. It had been limping around in the front yard, it's wing having been damaged.

    Connor had smashed it with a rock.

    It gave him a rush he had never felt before, a spark from his previously empty life.

    So, he moved on to bigger things. Mice, then squirrels, next a raccoon that had been picking around their garbage can, then a stray cat and the neighbor's noisy dog.

    Eventually, even the neighboring pets got boring to kill.

    So, when Connor and Zoe got into an argument, he decided to act. Hands around her neck, he strangled her. He thrilled over the way her eyes went dull.

   Then, he had to get rid of the body. This was much more exciting than getting rid of a dog, it was more complicated, more high risk.

     So, he dragged her up to the bath tub, cutting her up into little bits of pieces so he could throw parts of her in different dumpsters across town.

    Zoe's still on the missing persons list.

    Next it was Evan Hansen, a quiet boy that sat behind Connor in class. He seemed to get attached to Connor, which he used for his advantage.

    Connor played more with Evan, as he had planned it better this time. The boy had sobbed so loudly the silence when Connor was done was almost eerie.

    Evan was buried deep down in their backyard.

    Next was Alana, an intelligent girl in his chemistry class. She seemed lonely, so it wasn't overly hard for Connor to gain her trust through studying sessions.

    He thoroughly enjoyed giving her his own butchered lobotomy.

    Finally, Connor grew an interest like he hadn't before. It was a louder boy in his English class that was always cracking jokes. Sometimes it seemed as if he never stopped talking.

    Jared Kleinman.

    Connor relished in listening to Jared, imagining what it would be like to make that boy go quiet forever.

   So, Connor spent weeks drawing up plans. This time it had to be perfect. The perfect specimen required the perfect plan.

    The day finally arrived, Connor lured Jared in and sedated him using some of his mother's old painkillers. Connor tied Jared up and blindfolded him before pulling out an old fishing box which contained his favorite tools he used to play with people.

    He sorted through the box, trying to decide what would be the most fun.

    He pulled out a screwdriver, maybe he could rip Jared's fingernails off with it.

    Out next was a small handsaw, maybe he could dismember Jared.

    Then was the hammer, which Connor frowned upon pulling out. Typically he would use it to bash in the skull, but that felt as if it would go too quick. He put it back.

    Jared stirred, making a soft groaning noise. Connor looked up, delighted, before reconsidering his plan.

    Connor really liked Jared, and even if he drew the torture out it would still end eventually, he wouldn't get to experience Jared's blissful silence for long if Connor had to immediately clean it up by disposing of the body.

    Jared twitched, "Hello?"

   A twisted grin appeared on Connor's face, he had an idea.

   "Anybody there?" Jared pulled on the restraints.

    The freezer. Connor would simply stuff Jared's body in his freezer when he was done. Then he could enjoy Jared's silence forever.

   "Anyone?" Jared grew more panicked.

    Satisfied with his plan, Connor snatched his handsaw and stood.

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