Chapter 50: Ken Kaniff

Start from the beginning



“England is London.”

“No. London is the major city in England like Paris is the major city of France.”

“Ahhhhhh,” Marshall sighed, understanding.

“Except we’re not going to London, we’re going to Manchester, England,” Paul clarified.  

Marshall paused and started putting on a deep, croaky voice. Riley sat forwards as she recognized it. It was Ken Kaniff. While she’d heard it on track, she’d never seen him do it in person and it was strange seeing that kind of voice come from him.

 “Ohh, Men-Chest-er. Man-Chester Molester. Errrr- Man-Man Friend. Maybe I can find a Man-Friend. A Mandarin- a Mandarin Man Friend in Man-Chester. I’ll never forget that name when I’m on stage tonight.” Riley couldn’t help but giggle in her seat as they headed towards the airport.

The flight from Paris to Manchester was really short and they’d ended up taking a private plane. Proof had been on there, causing trouble like he always did. Marshall had told the flight attendant that Proof wanted to sneak drugs on the plane. Her reaction was priceless. By the time they arrived and were heading down the airport to the security check, Marshall was on the phone to Hailie, trying to balance the Walkman and the phone in his hands. Riley kept up the front of the group as she glanced over her shoulder at Marshall.

 “You’re watching Scooby Doo and eating cereal? You just woke up? Uh-huh… Hailie? Hailie?” He checked the phone and frowned deeply. He looks up at her with a tiny smile. “She always does that to me. She hit the receiver and hung up on accident.”

Paul just cracked a laugh as he readjusted the camera that was still aimed at Marshall, “Call her right back in front of the custom agents. Just be like: ‘I can’t talk to you right now. I need to talk to my daughter’ then we’ll be thrown out of the country.”

As if on cue, Riley’s phone rang out. She pulled it and held it to her ear, forgetting to see who it was. “Hello?”

Mark’s voice sounded shallow. “Hey. I know you’re still on tour and everything but I had someone call and specifically ask for you for a photo-shoot when you get back.”

“Really?” Riley was surprised. More often than not, Mark sought out jobs for her. This was one of the few times she’d been personally requested. She clutched the phone tighter as she stepped off the travelator and followed the crowd towards customs. “Who for?”

Mark sounded a little bit confused as he spoke, “A private photographer, but he’s paying well. He’s got some really beautiful work that he sells off for advertisement. He said he saw you in Marie Claire and really wanted to work with you.”

Riley nodded, “Okay…” There was a silence before she sighed. “Mark, look…”

“Stop,” Mark said quickly. “Don’t even go there.” For a moment she thought he was mad but she could hear the smile in his voice. “You know that I didn’t take a word of what you said to heart.”

Riley ran her hand through her hair. “It doesn’t mean I wasn’t wrong.”

Mark just smirked, “You’ve put up with all my shit after my wife passed. I think I can let a few angry comments slide.”

“You’re too good to me,” She insisted.

 Suddenly, Marshall was by her side and stole the phone from her ear. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he picked up the pace so Riley couldn’t snatch it back from him. She heard him harassing Mark. “Hey Mr. you better leave my girlfriend alone…” She wasn’t sure how Mark was going to react to the threat but when she caught up to Marshall’s side she heard him chuckle then say, “You’re an asshole. How’s your girl going? Are you guys official yet or should I return those sex toys I brought you.”

Riley’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t be serious…. Marshall put the phone on speaker and she heard Mark’s horrified voice, “You fucking didn’t…”

“It’s got her name on it, brother,” Marshall started laughing hard, as Riley was in shock, huge smile on her face.

Mark sounded amused, “That’s the last time I ever tell you anything personal. You’re a dick.”

Riley covered her face, “I’m sorry, Mark. He stole the phone!”

“It’s not your fault your boyfriend doesn’t know boundaries when he sees them.”

Marshall was still laughing, “You said you were lonely! You can’t tell me something like that and not expect-” He was giggling so much he couldn’t finish his sentence.

Riley took the phone back and turned off the speaker, “How are things with Christina?”

Mark paused, “Really good actually. I’m trying to take things slow… I don’t want to fall into anything too quickly. Its ahhh…. a little bit hard sometimes, you know. I haven’t been a serious relationship since…” Riley felt sympathy flow through him. While he’d been doing well at moving on, getting into a serious relationship would definitely trigger some hard memories. “But she knows… which makes it easier. She’s so considerate.”

Riley smiled, happy to see Mark happy. It’d been such a long time for him. “I’m really glad for you. Why don’t you send me the details for that photo-shoot and we’ll talk then?”

“Sure thing- promise you won’t do anything stupid over the rest of the tour. And tell Marshall he can rot in hell.”

Riley smirked. “Oh believe me, I will.” 

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