Chapter 9 Novel and Relationship

Start from the beginning

"Wow, this book is interesting," Nepgear said

"Is that right? I also think like that '' said Luffy

Nepgear was seen nodding in understanding with Luffy. Blanc looks happier because of something. Neptune who saw Blanc was just surprised because he was so happy when Luffy and Nepgear praised the novel. Neptune still stares at Blanc, Blanc who feels she is being looked at by Neptune

'' What is it, Neptune? '' Asked Blanc

"Why are you so happy when they praised the novel?" Neptune asked

"Nothing, I'm heading off now," Blanc said, then prepared to return to Lowee.

Neptune only looks at Blanc's strange behaviour. Luffy and Nepgear were seen reading the novel together. Histoire then met them and brought some tea.

"Wheres Blanc-san?" Histoire asked, not seeing Blanc

"She went back," Neptune said

"Oh, even though I made her tea," said Histoire

"Hey Histy I want the tea," said Luffy who felt thirsty

"Okay" Histoire then headed towards Luffy and Nepgear who seemed to be reading a book. Histoire saw the book and was seen getting to know the novel

Luffy sees Histoire who seems interested in the book, Luffy then gives this book to Histoire

"Are you interested, Histy?" Luffy asked

"Oh, yes and I know who the author of this book is," said Histoire

'' Who? '' Asked Nepgear

"In the novel, the name of the author is written" White, "said Histoire

Nepgear and Luffy look curious to hear that, the name is like a nickname but they both don't know who. Neptune also looks curious about the name 'White', this is really strange because a writer only has a name like that

"Well, it's time to play the game!" Said Neptune, who was bored, not playing games

Neptune then took the console and then began to play, Luffy and Nepgear seemed to still read the novel instead. Histoire sighed at Neptune's reaction which was only thinking of having fun.




Seen now in Leanbox and in Vert's basilicom, it seems now Vert is using her laptop while drinking tea. Vert was seen looking at something very interesting for her, she saw many technologies

"Wow, it looks like I'm going to make this," said Vert looking at one

Vert drank her tea, now she is relaxed, there have been many problems a few years ago, but all that can be dealt with because there is someone who can help them, Luffy.

"I wonder how Luffy is doing," Vert said wondering.

She then got a message on her laptop, she then checked the message which turned out to be a video call. Vert sees that Noire sent the message.

"Oh Noire, what's up?" Asked Vert curiously because Noire contacted her

"Vert, I only contacted you because of something," said Noire

"It's okay, what is it?" Asked Vert

"Vert, isn't there a new clothes shop in the Nation?" Asked Noire

"Yes, that's right, why do you ask?" Asked Vert

"Can you send some of those clothes to my Nation?" Asked Noire

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