Part 4

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First break or recess as we like to call it has finally come. The practice music rooms were usually reserved for those who made reservations so came the time for me to leave. It never bothered me where I'd go for break just as long as I was left alone. Today I decided to go take a seat at a table outside. The lovely warm summer breeze trickles through the air so why not make the best of it.

I sit down alone under a sheltering tree and place my shoulder bag upon the table.
The school year had only started 2 weeks ago and here I was already skipping classes to avoid the trauma of others. I attended a few lessons but each time I would space out, why learn all this stuff when we're all going to eventually die anyways. Yet here I was flipping through last weeks notes Felix had written for me.

"Hey there loner." Speak of the devil.

Footsteps grew closer like beats leading into a chorus. I tilt my head up from the book to meet eyes with Felix who sighs at my appearance.

"I noticed you won't at class yet again." He takes a seat in front of me, fixing his dyed ruby hair back with his palm. His face looked calm but his body said other wise. He crossed his arms and even though I couldn't see I knew he had moved a leg to rest on the other.

I gave him my usual look before going back to the notes til Felix slides a new book towards me.

"Look Razor, your going to have to go to class. I can't keep covering you much longer. Mum's going to find out sooner or later." His deep voice raised.

My thoughts drift back home to poor mother whose probably fixing us dinner for tonight. She has been through a lot before. Lately I could tell she was finally feeling better especially now that Felix's dad and him have moved in. It was about 8 months ago when I notice the change in mothers attitude. She would come home from work looking happy instead of drained. It was only weeks into their relationship when she told me the news. I didn't know if I should've been happy or worried but I decided to let it be, who ever this guy was was making my mother feel better, I was somewhat grateful.

Then came the day when I met him and his son. Ron and Felix, a small family living on their own. It was then when I knew my thoughts about Ron were wrong. When our eyes first met I could tell he already disapproved of me. I thought maybe since he helped my mother out he would be different but no they all treat me the same.
An outcast.

Things could only get worse from there, them moving in a month or so later. Ron treats me like shit and of course mother was never around to see it. I try not to let it get to me since this guy was keeping my mother from breaking down all the time.
At first Felix and I didn't get along but later on we learnt we had much more incommon than we thought. We liked the same music and even played the guitar. It's not like we're friends now or anything, we're just there for each other I guess.

"Don't call her that, she's not your mum." I peaked an eye out from under my hair.

"Yet." He mumbled.

"The hell you say." I half yell standing from my seated position. He stood up too, it was surprisingly how similar in height we were.

"You know it's bound to happen sooner or later." He mentioned. I know, but somewhere inside me didn't want it to happen. How could I possibly stand living with Ron, I mean I don't mind Felix but Ron. Ugh.

"I know." I sighed and sat back down. Living with Ron and Felix these past couple months only made me learn more about them. Felix athletic type and bound to receive a scholarship for football someday. And who would be more proud than his o so loving father. I notice them always practicing out in the backyard, Ron yelling some strat while Felix sweats his eye balls out. It was memorising to watch but at the same time sickening. Felix was always going to be Ron's success, a son who could go down a path of fame, something he wasn't able to accomplish himself.

It was only fitting for him to treat me the way he does. Who would want a piece of useless shit like me, the only thing I'm ever good for is well nothing. That's the way it's always been.

"Anyways how you'd go with that new rift." Felix asked.

"Yea almost got it. Was practicing earlier on before."

"You mean practicing during school hours." He tilts his head and let's out a small chuckle.

I mentally roll my eyes and give him a dead look.

"Razor like I said before you need to start fitting class back into your routine. If anyone try's anything I'll smack em before they even get the chance to reach you. Razor? Hello are you listening." He snaps his fingers at me.

"Yep." Kinda, something behind him had caught my attention.

Felix turns behind him to see what on earth was more important than our conversation. He spots it immediately and turns back.

"The preps huh? What's so special about them that's caught your attention?"

"When the Day met the Night" boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now