Part 3 -

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Brown eyes stare back into my green ones. I feel my hands grip around the guitar tighter as the uneasy feeling grows the longer time does. The more I stared, the more I felt like I knew him from somewhere but I wasn't so sure. The pair of brown eyes belong to a boy maybe my age. His dirty brown hair was styled back with gel and his face frozen in surprise. I guess he didn't expect me to catch him listening to me play.

I grew tried of this little staring game and got up from my seat and threw the door open. I held the door handle towards me, standing in the room still waiting for the boy to make a move. After a while he got the memo and stepped inside. It was then when I notice a whole new shift in him. He seemed more relaxed and poised.

I closed the door behind him and faced him with a slight scowl printed on my face. I looked him up and down. He was a little shorter than me, 6,1 perhaps and dressed like a posh rich kid. Besides that he was wearing colours, something I would never consider myself doing. His baggy pants were a soft dark pink with a Gucci belt latched around his hips. Around his torso he wore a white graphic tee which was only slightly tucked in at the front.

Seeing him in full frame only made me more sure that I knew him, well maybe, I really don't know. He placed one hand on his hip as he took most of his weight upon his left foot. Was he trying to out class me? Look kid I get it, your "better" that me. Jeez.

"You know class started nearly 30 minutes ago." He had a slight English accent paired with a deep tone. I was surprised by his choice of statement but was well aware of that fact and well, I couldn't really care less.

I crossed my arms and looked down at his serious face. "If you don't mind I -"
He cut me off by laughing under his breathe.
"I'm kidding, I don't care what you do. Hey um your Razor right?" His whole attitude change leaving me confused slightly but mainly the feeling of shock outstood. It felt like ages since someone here didn't use my name with such disgust and disgrace.

"So you've heard of me." I raised a brow. To be honest I couldn't care less about him knowing who I was. Probably just another one of those preppy kids who think they're so above every one.

" 'corse I have, your the one......" he stopped mid sentence as if to re-think his choice of words. I decided to finish his words for him.

"They call "emo" "punk freak" "loser" "demon worshipper" oh and let's not forget "red neck"." I finished.

I saw a gulp go down his neck before he tilts his head to one side.

"Well, you say that as if it's not that bothersome." he smiled. Why Is he smiling like that.

"Well it seems you like to linger around listening to people play without expecting them to feel 'bothersome'." I say with a slight twitch at the end.

He moved his hand to rub against the back of his head as I see the wave of guilt come across his face. I couldn't help but smile at this. "Sorry" was all he could say.

"Whatever." I suddenly felt weird. Why was this happening? Why was I talking to this kid?
"Just get out now." I say under my breath. I didn't want to continue talking to him anymore.

"But You haven't even allowed me to introduce myself." He pipes up with a smirking smile.

All I could do was humf in reply.

"I'm Travis Adler, 11th grade. Nice to meet you." He bowed ironically and offered his hand. Now I remember, anyone at this school would know who Travis is. He one of those popular guys, no not the dumb jock popular type but the type who has amazing grades, takes part in nearly every extra cariccular event, dresses like their the son of the towns major. The type to use words not fist to fight. Eats at posh quizenes not fast food joints. Posts photography pictures not selfies.

Basically what I'm trying to get across is; he's a pretty boy who looks down at people like me.

"So you've heard of me?" Travis says with such a playful mock it's almost sickening. I guess he could see the uneasy look on my face.

"No" I lie only to receive a laugh in reply.

"Ok then." He said through his last breath of a laugh. I let him finish his little laughing fit as we both hear the bell for second period.

"Well that's me leaving now." Travis mentions to the sound of the bell. "You know what, you should go to class to."

"Yeah maybe." Not. I knew I had maths next, yuck.

He starts to head out the door before looking back at me with a smirk.

"Oh and before I wasn't going to say your the one "they call emo and all", I was actually going to say that your one listed in most of my classes." He voice flutters out. "Anyways see ya soon I guess." He heads out the door.

And just like that I realised I had felt something in the longest time other than nothing.

"When the Day met the Night" boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now