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soft_bby: wahh you look so good 😊

johnny's banana: and I oop–

cuddle_bby: ❤️

hoseokie: I'm better looking


cuddle_bby: Help me Y/N my heart is being weird again

soft_bby: is it bc of Mark's post

cuddle_bby: Yeah, like why does he have to do this to me

soft_bby: Just tell him how you feeeeeel

cuddle_bby: But I caaaaaaaan't

soft_bby: yes you caaaaaan

soft_bby: we've all been friends for like......a really really long time and you still can't tell him after five years

cuddle_bby: it's complicated Y/N, I just don't know what to do

soft_bby: well once you tell him, tell me I gtg

cuddle_bby: what now you gotta go text Hoseok?

soft_bby: yeah and?

cuddle_bby: yeah and you know what I mean

soft_bby: no I don't

cuddle_bby: yes you do

cuddle_bby: have fun at the beach boo 


Lee Hoseok: I get to go to the beach!!!!!

Y/N: Really!?

Lee Hoseok: you bet!

Y/N: that's so great I can't wait to see you

Lee Hoseok: I can't wait to see myself too

Y/N: ....

Lee Hoseok: ....

Lee Hoseok: hey I have a question

Y/N: Sure

Lee Hoseok: when you see me, please don't freak out

Lee Hoseok: Please accept how I look, ok?

Y/N: Are you that insecure about yourself

Lee Hoseok: no it's just that...nvm just please don't freak out

Y/N: Ok, just promise me you're not a monster 😂

Lee Hoseok: Promise

Y/N: Oh look at the time, my brother and the others will be here any minute now to pick me up

Y/N: I'll text you later, bye bye :)

Lee Hoseok: I want you in my arms now
~not sent

Lee Hoseok: bye bye 💋


I grin and look out the window, eager to see an excited Y/N running down the front steps towards the car. Shownu honked the horn to signal we were outside. Not too long after, the front door opens revealing Y/N in the outfit she posted earlier this morning. Her bag swung over her shoulder as she rolled down her small suitcase. I get out the car and go to help her.

"I'll take that princess." I said, taking a hold on the handle. She looks up at me and a slight blush appears on her cheeks. "Thanks." I nod and we both go down the steps carefully.

"I've never been to the beach before." Y/N tells me as we put the suitcase in the trunk. "Are you serious? You've never been?" I reply surprised, closing the trunk. "Yeah, this is my first time." I smile and whisper into her ear. "I guess you'll have to stick close to me the whole time so you don't get lost."


The car ride was a long one. I was cramped in the very back between Wonho and Minhyuk. Shownu insisted on driving the whole way to the beach, resisting Changkyun's offer to. Hyungwon, Jooheon, and Kihyun were watching a movie in the middle row while snacking. Minhyuk and Changkyun were playing games on their phones. Wonho just looked out the window, propping his chin on his palm and the other on his lap.

I check the time and notice it's been two hours. "Hey how much longer?" I ask Shownu. "Two more hours."

Y/N: Long car ride, what should I do?

Lee Hoseok: Just go to sleep, it'll make it feel faster

Y/N: Yeah but I between Minhyuk and Wonho, how am I supposed to be comfortable

Lee Hoseok: Lean your head on Wonho's shoulder

Y/N: I don't want to bother him...

Lee Hoseok: He won't mind

Lee Hoseok: I won't mind you even closer
~not sent

Y/N: You sure?

Lee Hoseok: Yeah

Y/N: ok...

I turn off my phone and glance at  Wonho who had just put his phone back in his pocket. I blink twice and then close my eyes and lean my head slowly on his shoulder. Soon enough, I fell into deep sleep.


So she actually did it. I take a picture of her and lean my head on top of hers. Soon enough I fell into deep sleep as well.

Texting Wonho(e) | WONHO X Reader {✔}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum