Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

- 1 month ago -

"Niall, I honestly don't care how much you love food. It's still not politically correct to chew with your mouth open."

I just snickered as Liam went on to scold Niall about how to eat correctly. Just like usual he would stare back like a deer in headlights , only pausing for a moment before turning back to devouring his plates of food. I just laughed and shook my head as I leaned down to take another bite of my sandwich.

We were stopped at Nando's on the way to one of Uncle Simon's winter homes. After our Up All Night Tour he thought it'd be nice to give us a break from all the publicity and send us to an undisclosed location where we can spend the next two weeks.

I'd say we were all pretty excited seeing as it will be awesome to just relax with the lads and have absolutely no responsibilities? Oh yes, I was definitely going to enjoy this.

We all quickly finished our food after that and boarded into the large black hummer sending us on our way once again.

Niall had climbed in beside me and I smiled down at him seeing that he had quickly fallen asleep on my shoulder. I watched him curl up closer and nuzzle his nose closer into my neck and suddenly my heart stopped.

It was like I had forgotten how to even breath as I felt the soft, shallow breaths go across the skin on my neck. I didn't know how it happened but his arms had suddenly snaked their way around my waist.

"Uh N-Niall?" I asked breathily and curse me for even saying anything because all it did was cause him to stir in his sleep and hold me closer. Slowly I was losing all recognition of my normal bodily functions, and I felt the redness rise to my cheeks. Suddenly through all of my thoughts my mind had process one that I maybe shouldn't have even worried about.

But I did.

'This kinda feels nice............Wait what?' Right then and there I jumped slightly. My body stiffened as Niall groaned in his sleep and he held me tighter.

"Awwwwww look who has become Niall's body pillow!" Louis cooed and snapped me directly out of my thoughts. He was grinning madly at me when I looked over at him, and if I wasn't concerned with waking up Nialler I would have thrown a lot more than a glare.

"Shut up." I gritted through my teeth and looked over again at Niall with a sigh and leaned my head back. I could feel Louis looking at me oddly but I forced myself to take deep breaths and just try to forget whatever the hell just happened. 'It was nothing just tired from this car ride is all.' I tried convincing myself.

All I could hope for was that this damned car ride would be over soon.


Huge. Totally. Fucking. Huge.

Yeah those were pretty much the only words that had popped into my head as we pulled up after towards the hous- no wait scratch that, as we pulled up to the freakin' mansion!! It was white as a winters snow with dark blue accents all around the windows and doors. It looked amazing and it made me wonder what other houses Simon could possibly have that he is hiding from the world.

"woah.." "Holy Shit look at that!" "Will there be a big kitchen?"

I turned towards Niall with a raised eyebrow and just laughed as Zayn wrapped his arm around his neck and ruffled with his hair.

"Hey man stop!" I heard the protests leave the irishman's mouth. He was released only when Liam smacked Zayn behind the and threatened to break his mirror.

Oh how silly his weakness was.

The car rolled slowly to a stop and I jumped out wanting to be freed from the enclosed space followed by Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I smiled as I breathed in the cold winter air mixed with the sharp scent of pine needles.

We walked in and I just looked around in awe as I saw how big the place really was. Before I could even process the house I heard Louis, Liam and Zayn all claim a room upstairs.

"Mine!" "Called It!" "Dibs on this one!"

"What?! Not fair!" I heard Niall yell up to them from somewhere else in the house and suddenly he appeared around a corner stuffing his face with chips.

"Really Niall? We just got here and you already found the kitchen? No wonder you didn't get first dibs on he rooms, priorities man!" I said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah..well food is more important I guess." he said with a smile and he started walking up the stairs, which I then followed.

I looked down the hall seeing only a total of four rooms which meant-

"I guess we're sharing," he said with a shrug in between chews as we walked toward the open room at the end of the hall.

"Careful Niall. Don't get to excited." I said with a sarcastic tone to my voice as I pushed him to the side playfully and walked into the room first, thankful at the sight that there were two beds in there.

I looked around the room seeing the walls were painted a light blue with one wall grey. It was different, and I continued to examine seeing that we seemed to have our own bathroom inside they room. That meant that we didn't have to share the hall one with the other lads. "Sweet..." I breathed and plopped onto my bed still looking around the room.

We had one window that looked out towards the woods. Then again that seemed to be the only thing surrounding us. Niall was already in what seemed to be a walk in closet and was unpacking. Wait, when did he grab his suitcase? Whatever, I'm already losing it.

"Well for the next two weeks, welcome home lads!" I heard Liam call out from the hall and I sighed laying back the small twin sized bed.

These next two weeks were going to be much more interesting than I would have ever expected.


(a/n) Well alright here's the first chapter! It's still kinda short in my opinion so hopefully my next ones will be longer.

Also only very slight Actual Narry action here. I'm sorry guys but I don't believe in rushing into a romance. Even though it'll be hard, I enjoy the slow build up of realizing feelings and all of that fluffy stuff lol Oh and yes this story will be mainly written from Harry's point of view. I'll make sure to warn you guys if for some reason I change it in a chapter.

Anyways I hope you enjoy and maybe leave me a vote cookie in the comments? I'm kinda hungry.....Oh yeah i would also like to know what you guys are thinking!

Also I will probably only update the story once and rarely twice a week. Only if I have an awesome spark of inspiration will I ever do that ^.^'


P.s. Sorry these author notes will get shorter as the story goes along, just want to let you guys know what's going on.

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