7. Stargazing ☆

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Kon'nichiwa, minna!! It has been SO long since the last time I've written anything NaLu related! Though "The Stone of the Cartographer" is still on hold, I thought it'd been long enough since I'd given you guys the NaLu feels! (Haha!) So, here is a little one-shot I was inspired to do by the picture in the multimedia! I hope it is good enough to satisfy your tastes for now; can you guys see any improvement in my writing since the last one shot? I hope so!

The multimedia shows a picture for this cute little one-shot! ♥ Also, there is a song by my favorite band, Memphis May Fire! The song is called "More of You", and I am currently OBSESSED with it~! I hope you guys enjoy it!

I dedicate this one-shot to roadtotheskies, my very best friend on Wattpad. ♥ Ed-kun and I haven't had any time to talk, but I want to have this make up for it! I hope we can talk soon Ed-kun~! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to comment and vote about what you think of this little tid-bit! Think of it as a little gift from me. c; Enjoy, my fans! I love you all, and until next time!


тнє иαℓυ ωяιтєя ▲


“Hey, Lucy!”

The said Celestial Mage jumped, her name being called a surprise. Not in a while had she been snuck up on like so, and Lucy Heartfilia was beginning to let her guard down since she hadn’t been worried of being frightened. However, her name being called so abruptly had interrupted her deep concentration, which in turn had startled her. It didn’t help when a certain pink-haired dragon slayer and his itch of a companion peeked in through her window, the source of the voice.


The blonde sighed. “Nani? I told you I didn’t want to go on a mission today since I’m not feeling well.”

Natsu grinned at her, jumping over her pink bedspread and landing on her carpet with a soft thud. Before she could antagonize him on that, he speed-walked over to her, pressing his hands into her cheeks and making her lips pucker.

E-Eh?” Lucy questioned, her face heating up at the slightest touch from her dense friend.

She blinked, once. Twice. Three times. Natsu just continued to stare at her. His smile was wide, shining, and happy just as it was every time it appeared on his face. Lucy’s recent revelation in the raid of dragons during the Grand Magic Games had put her into a tough spot. Yes, she liked Natsu—“liked liked”, no doubt. And the fact that he was too close was making her heart race, and she jerked back out of her chair in startlement.

“W-What the…?!” Lucy began, not knowing what in the hell her partner was trying to do. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was trying to make her have a heart attack!

“Did it work, Nat-zu?” Happy meowed in question, his voice a loud whisper over the dragon slayer’s shoulder.

“Did what work?!” the celestial mage cried, jumping to her feet with steam coming out of her ears. “You don’t just get that close to people, you baka! You ever heard of ‘personal space’?! The nerve of you two!”

Natsu snickered, but Lucy must’ve been imagining the tint in the color of his cheeks. “We came to ask you something, Luce!”

The blonde held back a loud sigh, knowing the dense male had just changed the subject completely around. And she knew, if she tried to ask him about that little...action just a second ago, he’d just continue to act like an idiot. How’d she come to have feelings for such a dense idiot, anyways? After all, he was stubborn, an annoyance to her personal space, and got into fights for no apparent reasons whatsoever! Oh, and don’t even get her started on the time he barged in while she was changing…!

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