Chapter 28

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They had extended their Paris trip until Monday afternoon, so it gave the kids another full day at the theme park and they wouldn't be flying out during the night.

Only today, the grandparents offered to take the children to theme park so that the parents could spend time together. But Zayn still went with because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Brooklyn before they left and since Liam's mum Karen was there, Liam didn't have an issue with Zayn being with Brooklyn.

Ruth and Nicola tagged along as well, offering to take Laci from Louis so he and Harry could spend some much needed alone time together. Louis was hesitant at first but once he saw Laci excitedly babbling away with Aybrum and Brooklyn in their individual buggies, it was hard to deny the situation.

Louis and Harry went for a spa day, whilst Liam and Niall practically ran upstairs once they said their temporary goodbyes to the kids.

Liam was already undressing himself when they walked through the door, and Niall was trying to contain his laughter as Liam practically tripped over his trousers coming through the door.

"Can you honestly not wait until we're completely in the room, you're going to fall and hurt yourself." Niall laughed, watching Liam hop around to get out of his trouser leg.

He leaned against the wall, yanking off his trousers and tossed them aside. "Yes because I don't want to be interrupted by anything and who knows how long our parents will actually want to be out in the sun with the kids."

Niall yelped when Liam started unbuttoning his clothes as well, "That's not something I can change, we have a son and you've also got a daughter. If they happen to come back earlier than expected, oh well. We try again some other day."

"I don't want to try again another day, because every time we try something happens or someone's crying and we have to stop." He murmured, not even making it to the bedroom before they were on the ground, mouthing at one another's skin.

Niall paused his movements, "That's what you do when you have kids, they're first before your own needs. What did you expect?"

He shrugged, looking down at him and supported his weight on his forearms as he pushed his fingers through Niall's dirty blonde hair. "Maybe we should get a nanny?"

"No, I don't want my son being raised by a stranger. You can do that for Brooklyn, I don't care but my child will be raised by me." He made perfectly clear.

"Okay, poor choice in words on my part." Liam murmured as he moved his lips across Niall's sensitive neck, focusing back on the task at hand.

Niall wiggled out from underneath him, grabbing a pillow from the couch and covered himself. "I'm going to go shower and pick up some of Aybrum's things before they're back. Maybe you could pick up some of Brooklyn's things or better yet, get a stranger to do that basic responsibility for you since apparently caring for a child counts as bothersome work."

"Oh babe com'on, I was joking about a nanny. We don't need one." Liam protested as Niall walked out, sitting up on the floor and watched him disappear down the hallway.

He flopped back down on the ground, huffing out a breath and mentally kicking himself for mentioning a nanny because he most definitely should've eased into the topic and made clear that Niall is capable of raising a child but they could use a break every so often. Which would give them more private time together, without having to worry about the kids being taken care of.

Because now, all Liam had was his right hand since he obviously wasn't getting anything from Niall anytime soon. Or at least not until he's made up with him completely.


"Bubba, up?" Aybrum questioned, wanting to be carried because he was tired of walking.

Niall paused, picking him up and subconsciously kissed his temple as they all continued to walk towards the restaurant as a group. As side of Louis, Laci and Harry who decided to have a pizza and movie night in their suite. Mostly Louis was still wanting to test the waters with Harry and see how a possible relationship would work between them.

"What's with you and Liam, you've walked away from him countless times today? Did something happen?" Maura questioned softly, walking beside her son and grandson.

Niall shrugged, "No, not really. It's just -" he paused, kissing Aybrum's temple again. "He wants a nanny."

She laughed quietly, "Sweetheart I really don't think that's anything to be upset about, if anything revel in the fact that Liam wants to spend more time with you."

"Mum, you don't understand. He doesn't think I can take care of my own child, which is insulting because I've given up everything to - I mean. I don't know but you understand, yeah." He stumbled over his words, not wanting to sound like he regrets having Aybrum because he loves him more than anything and honestly couldn't imagine life otherwise.

Maura rubbed his back, "I understand but I think you need to take into consideration that Liam's essentially offering to give you more freedom, freedom you missed out on. I'm not saying for you to hand your son over for someone else to raise but don't you think on occasion it would be nice to have someone, who you trust, to care for him while you have some time to yourself without worrying."

Niall hummed, genuinely mulling over his mums words and realized she was making valid points and he may of overreacted to Liam's simple suggestion because they both know he's extremely competent in raising and having the responsibility of caring for a child.

They all walked into the restaurant, immediately being ushered to their reserved table in the back. Zayn sat with his family along the seating by the wall, Liam's family sat on the opposite side of Brooklyn who was sat beside Zayn, Niall's mum was on the end by Liam's sisters which left Aybrum, Niall and Liam on Maura's otherside which placed Liam beside Zayn's mum Tricia.

Halfway through dinner Liam placed a hand on Niall's upper thigh, turning his head away from everyone else and kissed just below Niall's ear. "I'm sorry," he whispered lowly.

Niall looked towards him, pulling his attention off his current task of recutting Aybrum's food into smaller pieces. "Me too," he smiled as he leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. "And I think a nanny would be good for us, we should seriously consider."

Liam was incredibly tempted to kiss him again but they were at a family dinner and he could feel Tricia's watchful eyes burning holes in the side of his head, so he settled for giving his thigh a small squeeze.


(authors note: so sorry for making you all wait so long for an update but please stop yelling at me for updates, I just needed time. Anywaysss, Liam and Niall had a small fight but they essentially worked it out.

Do you think they'll really get a nanny, and if so how do you think Niall will handle someone else caring for his child?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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