Chapter 6

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Over the last few weeks, Liam's watched Aybrum everyday Niall's had to work; including the days he worked doubles.

Aybrum recently stayed over at Liam's flat because Niall said he wouldn't be home until late, so Liam decided to move their mini sleepover to his flat since he had more extravagant toys the toddler could attempt to play with.

Not to mention he had an entire room that was Batman themed, which included some of the movie props that he'd spent a large amount of money on to get ahold of, but found it extremely worth it in the end.

Liam won't ever admit it but he put on the overly expensive Batman Halloween costume he bought two years back and pretended to be Batman for Aybrum, setting up little scenarios where he needed saving and swooped in, saving the day.

Overall they were having the time of their lives and Liam felt closer to his son than he ever expected, especially in the short amount of time they've been together.

But then he got the impending phone call from his management, saying he needed to come back or else there was going to be talk of him being removed from the group and potently having a lawsuit on his hands. Due to the fact that he was directly disobeying his signed contract with the label and his management.

"I seriously don't want to go back. I mean, what am I going to tell Aybrum?" Liam sighed, deflating the more he spoke.

Niall shrugged, taking a drink of his tea. "Liam you had to of known this was going to happen, you can't just bail on a prearranged world tour and not expect your management to threaten you like this."

He frustratedly pushed both his hands a through his hair, messing up his neatly placed hair. "Actually, no - I assumed this whole thing would've panned out a bit differently. But I'm glad it didn't and that I'm still here, for now at least."

"Maybe you should just go back. We're going back to Ireland soon, and don't you guys have a couple shows there around the time we're supposed to go? You could see Aybrum then, yeah." He tried, knowing how attached Liam's become to their son over the last few weeks - something he couldn't overlook even if he wanted.

Liam looked at him, finally pulling his eyes from the wood table top. "It's not just Aybrum I'm going to miss, I'll miss you too." He smiled some, "Seeing you almost daily, your smile and the way you nervously laugh at me when I suggest we try the whole relationship thing again."

He flushed some, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling. Because the relationship thing has been on his mind lately too, but Liam needing to leave right now was a sign that maybe they shouldn't start anything until they can be together, together.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He murmured, taking another big drink of his tea so he wouldn't have to say another word.

Liam laughed softly, wanting to be quiet while Aybrum took his afternoon snooze. "Right, of course you don't. And your blush means absolutely nothing then, yeah."

He nodded, keeping his mouth shut because he knew as soon as his lips parted he'd breakout in a cheesy grin and ruin his façade.

Liam laughed again, playfully shaking his head in disapproval. "Well, alright then. I'll go back on tour if you promise I can see you both in Ireland, I'll even get you guys tickets - your mum too if she wants, yeah."

"You really don't have to, we could all go for dinner when you're in town and maybe - um, you could stay over if your management still isn't too upset with you by then." Niall quickly hid his blush this time, abruptly getting up and putting his empty cup into the sink to be washed.

He got up, moving to stand behind Niall and placed his hands on either side of the counter were Niall was stood. "See, I know you want something more too - don't be afraid to let me back in."

Niall's breath caught in his chest at the feel of Liam's warm breath fanning out across on his neck, forming little goosebumps all over the sensitive area. "I'm not afraid to let you back in." He murmured, turning around and looked him in the eyes. "It's the letting you go part that I'm afraid of."

He made the first move and connected their lips, humming as soon as their mouths began to move in unison with one another's frantic movements. Liam pulled him closer by the waist as Niall wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him more down towards himself, both making little pleased noises in the process.

Out of nowhere Aybrum started crying, which immediately got Niall's full attention and made him abruptly pull back to go attend to his seemingly distraught son.

Liam stood there stunned as he leaned forward and rested his palms on the counter, staring into the sink as he tried to level his breathing and regain his composure before Niall came back into the kitchen with the toddler.

A few minutes later, Niall did come back with a smiley Aybrum in his arms. "I'm sorry, Liam. I shouldn't of done that, I probably just complicated things and I honestly didn't mean to. Something just clicked in me and I impulsively reacted." He apologized quickly, still sounding out of breath himself - like he had just ran a marathon.

"No. I liked it, I -" Liam stopped himself, looking at Aybrum and smiled at him when they made eye contact. "I should get going, my flight leaves in two hours and I haven't even packed. I'll still see you both next month, right?"

Niall chewed on the inside of his bottom lip, watching Liam smile at Aybrum. "Yeah, next month." He knew Liam either wanted to say more or say something entirely different, but he wasn't going to force anything and ruin whatever it is they currently have going on. "Have a good flight."

Liam stepped forward and kissed Aybrum's cheek, laughing softly when the toddler squirmed away, giggling because of his unshaven face and the way it tickled his soft skin. "I'll probably try to FaceTime you at some point, but other than that - I'll miss you both and I love you, both of you."

"Goodbye, Liam." He murmured, trying to hold back the emotions that seemed to be creeping up on him and making it's presence known in his suddenly crackly voice.

A slight frown etched in Liam's face when he looked at Niall's saddened expression, "Bye, Niall - just remember this isn't forever, I promise."

He smiled, shifting an oblivious Aybrum and wiped his eyes. "Hey, I said no promises about the future."

Liam just smiled, leaning forward and pecked his lips softly - letting them linger a couple seconds longer than necessary and gave Aybrum another kiss before he reluctantly headed towards the door.

He desperately wanted to look over his shoulder at them one last time, but he knew he'd never leave if he did. Liam just kept telling himself that he'd see them both in a month, and he could make it until then.

But he knew he was only lying to himself, so that the heartache of leaving behind the two people he's grown to love the most in this world wouldn't be quite as bad.

When in actuality, it felt like a huge chunk of his heart was being ripped out and left behind.

Liam finally understood exactly how Niall felt when he denied the pregnancy, pushed him into taking the seemingly simple solution and walked out on their relationship.

(authors note: I know it seems like Niam only just reunited, but a separation needed to happen right now.

How do you think Niam are going to handle being apart from one another, and Liam's grown so attached to Aybrum over the weeks, do you think little Aybrum will notice his absence?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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