Chapter 26

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Miraculously everyone made it to the hotel, nobody lost their baggage, paparazzi hadn't been too overbearing once they all had landed and the two toddlers we're extremely drowsy after the flight. Aybrum and Brooklyn were ecstatic when they arrived at the Disney hotel but they were too sleepy and ended up passing out before anyone had made it up to the rooms.

Liam's family, Niall's mum, Louis, Laci and Harry all went to their separate hotel rooms, deciding that they'd all meet up for dinner again but wanted to give all three toddlers some time to relax and let everyone get settled into their rooms.

Although Laci was wide awake and constantly asking Harry if they were getting married whilst they were there because everything looked so pretty.

Liam found it extremely odd that Zayn wasn't waiting for Brooklyn at the airport or even waiting in the lobby of the hotel once they arrived but he tried calling him and was sent straight to voicemail so Liam assumed Zayn was doing something with his own family and he'd eventually call, wanting to see Brooklyn.

"Babe did you not pack your own clothes?" Liam questioned, rummaging through their multiple bags to unpack some things.

Niall came out of the attached bathroom, furrowing his brow and went over to the bed to start searching through the bags. "Bloody hell, I was so worried about packing Aybrum's things and making sure you had the right stuff that I left my own stuff on my bed at home."

"It's alright, maybe after dinner we could go on a mini shopping trip in Paris. Aybrum can spend time with your mum and Zayn wants to see Brooklyn no doubt so we won't have to take the kids with us." He shrugged, coming up behind Niall and wrapped his arms around his waist as he gently kissed the back of his neck.

Niall deflated back against Liam's chest, accepting the fact that he couldn't do anything about the situation and wasn't going to make a huge deal out of it because at least everyone else had what they needed. "No, I can just go down to one of the shops in the hotel and buy clothes. Aybrum's never been here and I want to see his reaction to things, I'll be fine."

"How are you so selfless?" Liam murmured, moving his lips along the side of Niall's neck.

He laughed softly, "I'm not, I just want Aybrum to be happy before anything. He deserves good memories and I'll try my hardest to give him that, even if that means I have to wear goofy shop clothes for a day or two."

"I bet everyone wonders why you even want to be in a relationship with me," Liam slightly laughed but stopped when Niall turned around and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Stop doing that, Liam I promise you you aren't as awful as you seem to think you are." He looked him in the eyes, holding his undivided attention. "Yeah you missed physically being there for Aybrum his first year but you have numerous photos of him from during that time so you obviously cared about how he was doing, you take good care of Brooklyn and you make sure both your kids are loved by you. I'm with you because you've managed to make an honest man out of yourself and you're the father of my child so there's always going to be that part of me that loves you unconditionally. Even if you are a bit of a knob sometimes."

Liam held Niall's face in his hands, briefly biting his bottom lip before he leaned forward and connected their lips. "You think if we're really, really quiet we could.. You know?"

"If you have a certain something, yes but otherwise no." He murmured against Liam's lips, more focused on the movement of their mouths than anything.

Liam shoved his hand into his trouser pocket, digging around and smiling against Niall's eager lips once he felt the familiar square package. He moved his hand towards Niall thighs, giving them a small squeeze and supported Niall's weight once he had jumped up and wrapped his legs around his waist.

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