...he fudging kissed her! And wtf?! I felt my heartbroke a little.. But I still have jin tho. Hehe. WELL I CANT LIKE HIM GOSH Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT HE'S MY BRO! I walked to the front of the clubhouse and climbed the fence. I just let jimin do what he wants. REMEMBER HE IS MY BROTHER! Sooo.. I called the others and we kept shouting and laughing. When we got tired we layed down on the floor... And.. Jin.. OMG HE FUDGING BACK HUGGED ME. But good thing I went to the hall while they were resting so they didn't see this.

"Hi y/n~"

"Jin?.. What are u doing?! "I whispered shout.

"Nothin just hugging ya"

"Ok let go now they might see us and I don't want the whole house shaking cuz of their noise"

"😂haha"he laughed. DAMN HE'S CUTE

It was 5 already and we still got time even tho it's Sunday so we have school Tommorrow. I called the others so we could go down already. But I didn't find him.

"Guys go ahead first I need to find jimin."

"Ok.. Be safe"tae said.

They went down and y/n kept searching. Then she went down hoping to find him. But what she didn't know.. Was he was at the side ready to...

"Gotcha!! "Jimin pinned her to the wall. And she almost fainted cuz of shock.

"OK WT--"y/n got cut off by him...

Kissing her...

And it felt like he was.. Angry.. Needy.. And jealous? He pulled out.


"If you won't shut up I'd do that again.."

"IDC WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU-"And guys you already know. But he had his tongue in. OK HOLY MOTHERFUDGER. I moaned a tiny bit and pushed him.

"Answer me what was t-that f-for"


"Oh so now your toying me, get out of my sight. "I walked away

"Wait, No! I was Jealous ok!! I like you.. "He whispered the last part.

"What? Srsly. Just get back to ur girl Playboy."

"I-i'm s-serious.. "He said being shy. OMG why is he like this.

"You were always with jin and I hate it, I like you ok?"he still said the last words as a mumble.

"Ugh let's just go"-y/n

--time skip to house and sleeping time--

Jimin pov
I was on the bed waiting for y/n to finish. When she got out I Saw her wear short black laced shorts and white sando. O my gosh I'm gonna get a boner when I sleep.

"Hey jimin move please"

I scoot over to the side and our backs r facing each other. I pretended to sleep to see what she will do.

Y/n pov
I saw chim was asleep so I took my phone out and started watching got7.I was silently laughing, screaming, and fangirling saying words like"OMG bambam ur so funny, OMG Jackson ur so hot!, waah I want jinyoung to be my husband!" But what I did not know jimin getting jealous. I was done watching then got bored so I played ml. I use miya for rank.

Jimin pov.
I'm getting jealous with a bunch of guys. Ugh. Let's what y/n will react when I do stuff.

Jimin turned around and saw she was playing ml and got shooked that she was savaging all the enemies. OMG! I am not playing with her she got almost 35 kills! She might kill me all the time. But let's see what Is her reaction.. I put my hands to her waist and got closer to her ear.

"Mmhm y/n your to noisyy"I whispered in her ear. But she kept playing but I saw her tense up. My mouth is just near her ear sooo.. I purposely moaned a little in her ear as if it was accidentally. She was kinda not moving except her hands duuh.

"Stop being noisy I swear that I will make you lose that~"

"Leave me alooone jimin it's almost endiing~"

I licked her ear and she moaned a little but I heard it. I heard it again cuz I bit her ear lobe. And that was it she faced me and pecked my lips and got back to playing then she won. Ofc she was MVP .

MY STEP BROTHER(That Is The King Of Jealousy)Where stories live. Discover now