Chapter 16: Waves

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Yeah boiiiiiii

It's the moment y'all have been waiting for...and I have one more surprise at the end. A BIG surprise.

Content warning for this chapter: LIME/MILD SMUT FRICK YEAH

also, recommended background music for "that scene" (start at when Lucina finally confesses) - Lights of Life from the Trauma Team OST. (no relation to Lifelight from Ultimate I swear)

title's namesake - Waves by Dean Lewis

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from Within

Chapter 16 - Waves


As the car flipped through the air and was about to strike Captain Falcon and Lucina as they huddled together out of fear on the bench, a young BLADE leapt in front of them and flipped forward several times with his Photon Saber out, slicing the vehicle in half. The duo sitting on the bench cautiously opened their eyes and saw the two halves of the car a distance from them, and Yelv standing before them.

"What are you two sittin' around for?!" Yelv urged them as the sound of air raid sirens blared throughout the city. "Find Elma! Go! Now!"

Standing up, Captain Falcon began, "But..."

"Don't worry about me," Yelv reassured him. "I'll be assisting the Harriers in taking down the enemy forces that have infiltrated, while the Interceptors will keep any more of 'em out. You guys just head for that elevator past the cathedral." He pointed in the direction of the elevator.

"Got it!" Lucina said as she stood up as well. She held on to Captain Falcon's hand as the two made a beeline for the elevator leading to the top floor of the Administrative District as explosions went off around them, some a bit too close for comfort. By the time they made it to the elevator, the explosions seemed to have thankfully stopped, as did the air raid sirens, and after he pressed the button to go up once he and Lucina got on, Captain Falcon could see the BLADE forces regrouping, presumably to assist the Interceptors outside the city walls. However, the sound of thunder boomed loudly above them. Looking up, he and Lucina saw the sky quickly covered in rain clouds, which then proceeded to drench them.

"You think... Snake made it back?" Lucina asked the Captain, staring at the cloudy sky as the elevator continued its ascent.

"Elma had to have noticed, so hopefully he made it back in with her," Captain Falcon answered her. "We should find Elma first, though."

"True," Lucina agreed. Looking to the side with an anxious expression, she fretted, "I just hope the civilians were able to evacuate, too... and what about Bayonetta?"

"I'm sure that... in the midst of the chaos, the BLADE forces were able to get everyone to safety," Falcon tried to reassure her.


Once the elevator made it to the top, the two immediately started running in the rain, trying to find a way to BLADE Tower. Luckily, they didn't need to go far to run into Elma and Lin once again.

"Lin!" Lucina cried, relieved to see that she was okay.

"Elma," Captain Falcon began, panting slightly. "I guess you saw the invasion happening a mile away while you were interviewing with Snake outside NLA's walls. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"You could say that," Elma confirmed. "As for Snake, he, Bayonetta, and the unarmed civilians of NLA are onboard the Ma-non ship, which has temporarily vacated the premises."

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