Chapter 13: Calling

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And now time for your regularly scheduled split focus(TM). Also, there's some surprises in this chapterrrr

Gonna get the third party disclaimer outta the way: Neku Sakuraba, The World Ends With You and all its other characters © Square-Enix. Also, Neku for Smash, pleaseeeee. We got the Hero from Dragon Quest as our second Square Enix rep, but if there's a second fighter pass, I'm pushing for Neku for the third Square character. Title is also based off "Calling" from the TWEWY OST.

Also please play TWEWY Final Remix for Switch, that's my shameless shill for this chapter

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from Within

Chapter 13 - Calling

"Guh..." The Captain groaned as he slowly came to his senses. He could hear the sound of footsteps overlapping and the chatter of a crowd of people. Slowly standing up, he observed his surroundings, and was surprised by what he found.

"Looks like I'm not in Green Greens anymore, heh..."

He appeared to be standing in the middle of a crosswalk in a heavily populated city area. There were no cars, just people crossing in all directions. Upon closer examination of the buildings around him, he deduced this had to be the Shibuya district in the city of Tokyo, Japan, circa 2007 A.D.

"Shibuya's Scramble Crossing..." he muttered. "I've read about the world in the 21st century, but...I never imagined I'd actually get to see the past for myself..." He began to walk to the left, when something strange happened as he thought he was about to bump into a couple of pedestrians.

They passed right through him instead.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed. "Did they just...?!" Feeling a chill travel down his spine, he murmured, "Am I...dead...?" He began patting various areas on his torso, and much to his relief, he was very much still a solid flesh-and-blood human, not a ghost. He could even still feel his heart beating.

"That's a relief..." He said with a sigh. "But still... What does this mean...?"

"You a Player too?" A young man's voice asked a short distance behind Falcon. He turned around, and saw a young man with spiky orange hair, purple headphones, a black shirt with a purple stripe in the center surrounded by two smaller yellow stripes, and white-and-purple pants and shoes. He looked to be no older than fifteen years old.

"Player...?" The Captain questioned, a bit confused. "What are you talking about? What's going on? Who are you?"

"One question at a time, old man," the youth said, walking up to Captain Falcon.

"O-old man?!" Falcon stammered, a bit irritated. "I'm only 37, kid!"

"Still an old man to me," the young man quipped with a shrug. "Anyway, when I say Player, I mean-" He stopped mid-sentence, looking around quickly.

"What's wrong?" Captain Falcon asked the young man.

"I think there's Noise nearby..." the youth murmured.

"Noise...?" Falcon muttered. "What do you-" and all of a sudden, his question was answered for him. A strange-looking red penguin with bizarre symbols on its fur and golden "wings" that were just a bunch of hollow angled lines walked up to the Captain and the youth.

"THIS is what you're so worried about?" Falcon asked with a smirk, smacking his left fist into the palm of his right hand. "I can take 'em, no problem!"

"No, you can't," the youth told him, prompting Falcon's confident smirk to sink. "You don't have a partner, and from what I can observe, you can't use Psychs either. Taking it on as you are now would be suicide."

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from WithinWhere stories live. Discover now