Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

It's been a few months now. Day after day has been cookie cutter—the same. It's now March and I've been helping Sam and Jake move into their apartments since they're in the same duplex as Colby and I. The end of college is rolling by quickly and coursework has been a heavy load. However, our apartment is close to my campus so for the past week or so since we moved in, I've taken Colby's car to classes. It's been nice waking up to Colby every single night and not just Wednesdays and weekends.

Living together has its flaws. For example, Colby doesn't understand the whole 'cleaning dishes' part. I don't think cleaning is in his dictionary. I've done pretty good at getting him to put his laundry in the dirty laundry basket in our bedroom or bathroom in the short time we've been together. Other than the whole cleaning part, it's not that bad. Yeah, our apartment is trashed at the moment. there's empty boxes, clothes, and trash everywhere. But Sam and Colby have been so busy with their duo channel—and moving in—and I've been so busy with college that neither of us have time to do some deep cleaning. When I finally get done with finals, though, I'm going to do some deep cleaning and organizing. Colby's letting me design and decorate the loft which is exciting. It's going to be our filming room morphed into editing room. I'm going to put up a wall of disposables from the friend group over the seven months that we've hung out with each other. Our group have taken enough photos to fill up every wall in the apartment. Heck, Colby and I alone have enough photos for our apartment. I think our filming space will have fairy lights up with polaroids clothes pinned to the string, and then our bedroom will have the disposables wall. I'm probably going to film in the bedroom most times, whereas Colby will most likely be in the filming room since the editing software is up there as well.

"Leslie, baby, I have that meeting with fanjoy downtown this morning."

I didn't want him having the burden of dropping me off at the campus. It was out of the way of fanjoy headquarters and I knew Sam and him should've left the apartments a few minutes ago.

"I'm going to walk to campus today. I think I'm gonna film my first vlog for my channel. It should be fun," I grinned, fumbling with the locket on my neck and trying to convince Colby not to feel bad.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and hoisted my backpack over my shoulders. The only bad part about moving is that I had to carry everything I'd need in my book bag for every single class that day. Since it was the end of the year, I still technically 'lived' on campus according to my college. So I was able to chill out in my old room during breaks between classes.

Colby and I locked up and walked into the hallway together. He parted to the left where he went to meet up with Sam whereas I went straight to head to the stairs. As soon as I left the apartment duplex, I started recording on my phone.

"Hi guys, it's Leslie and I'm back at it with another YouTube video," I greeted my normal introduction. As I was explaining that it would be my very first vlog and apologizing in advance for the fact that I might be quiet and awkward since I have no clue what I'm doing, some guys started whistling out their car windows. I looked over to see four guys hanging out of a Jeep Cherokee all whistling and catcalling me. I became extremely uncomfortable, but stood my ground and flipped them off before putting down my phone until I passed them. When they were fully gone, I held it back up.

"I just wanted to make a little public service announcement, if you will. If you're one of those guys that catcalls girls and whistles at them in stuff, don't. It's not cute and it makes the target of them really uncomfortable. Woman—or anyone else who are subject to this verbal assault—were not born for other people's amusement. We are just as much humans as anyone else. If you're someone that does this and thinks it's cute or funny, you're douches and that's the end of the story. Thanks for coming to my ted talk," I closed off, "And now that the rant is over, I'll see you guys when I get done with classes."

Misguided - Colby BrockUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum