chapter four

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As she took her seat at the picnic table, all the kids stopped and looked at the red headed girl.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" One of the boys on the brooms asked, as they landed right in front of her. At first, Lillian looked as if she had seen another ghost.

", your mother showed me where you had been... er having fun on your last day of summer..." she spoke, keeping her head down. "Papa was supposed to take me to the Malfoy's... but he brought me here instead. I-I guess he trusted your mother and papa more..." she spoke, her heart pounding once more.

"Snape is your father? Well that settles it, you're getting on the broom!" One of the twins spoke. "I am fred by the way. Glad to meet you lilly. Lillian is way to bloody formal. So let us set you up." He held the broom steady. She slowly nodded, and slowly got on the broom. She kicked off as if she was a professional. She flew for a few minutes, and started to giggle. She slowly landed as all eyes were on her. "Bloody hell..." he muttered. "You sure you're the daughter of Snape?"

"I think so... yeah..." she muttered, blushing hard. She pushed her hair behind her ear. She wasn't used to having friends to talk to. "I mean my mother was named Lilly Evans," she spoke. She was hiding something from them. They looked at her in schock. "What did I say?"

"Nothing. Just... I think I knew of your mother," fred spoke, leading her into the burrow. The others remained outside, playing.

"Sorry for being terribly Maladroit... my father never let me play with others... or talk to them at my muggle school. It was more of being by myself, and being isolated the entirety of my childhood. My nanny made me study spells and such when I was done with my homework.  Child and fun was not in her vocabulary. Mostly, it was easier during the summer. Father was home, and would let me go out to read or play an outdoor game. Father just told me he loved me before he dropped me off. That was a first..."

"Bloody hell... you had a terrible childhood..." he muttered, as he lead her to the kitchen. "Mum! Where are the cookies and such?" He asked, looking at Lillian.

"George, dear... you know wher-" she paused  looking at her son. "Fred what do you want with sweets?"

"I want Lilly to try some! She didn't have any growing up," he spoke. Lillian blushed. The only person to call her lilly was Snape. Draco would sometimes call her that...but just to end up hurting her. Molly handed him two chocolate frogs. "Thanks mum, I am gonna show her mine and Goerge's room." He smiled and pulled her up the stairs and to his room. Lillian slowly sat on the bed, and took a deep breath. She had never seen a room so messy. Her room was clean, nothing lying around. This room however... it was a disaster zone. " alright. You look a bit green mate..." he spoke, looking at her with a hint of worry.

"Your room... it's a bit... dirty..." she muttered, looking up at him. She had never looked as sick in her life. He moved some things off his bed, and helped lilly sit. "I-I mean... it isn't alright..." her voice was fickle. She seemed annoyed at the site of the room.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Snape probably kept your room organized..." he spoke with a frown.

Slowly, all the Weasley headed out. It seemed that fred and Lillian had gotten close through that one night. They walked toward the platform; Lillian, Fred, and George all by one another's side. She just kept her eyes on the platform until she heard that voice that had been strictly forbidden.   Lilly looked up at Fred.

"I'll get us a compartment." That was all that had been said, before she dissolved into the   Abyss of people. She smiled as she made it on the train, making sure she avoided the Malfoy's at all cost. She found a compartment in the back and laid back, resting her head against the wall. She seemed extremely quiet, thinking to herself.

'I either want Ravenclaw or Slytherin. If I get Hufflepuff... Draco will beat the shit outta me and if I get gryffindor father will disowned me,' she thought. Her eyes were closed, so when she heard the door open, she thought nothing of it. "What took you so long? Did George pull another prank?" She spoke, a smile on her face.

"You were with the blood traders, huh? That's where you ran off too?" The cold voice of the dragon spoke, as he stood in front of her. Her blood ran cold.

"Draco? I-I didn't know you had made it on the train yet? I had been... er... hoping to see you." Her voice was trembling with every word. If Snape hadn't already betrothed her to draco, she would never speak to him; She honestly hated his every being. When he sat by her, she prayed to what ever God would listen. Soon the brothers came in; Draco left without hesitation. Without thinking, she hugged the two brothers.

"You alright? You look like you just seen a ghost," George asked, looking at her. She just shook her head, and moved back to her seat. As they road the rest of the way to the school, Lillian kept to herself. She kept her mouth closed and slowly fell asleep. She woke up with someone shaking her. "Lillian, its time to get off the train," George spoke.

"Thanks..." she muttered, standing and getting off the train. Draco was waiting on her, and forced her hand into his. The two got into a boat, Lillian kept her head down as they road to the school on the lake. She got out, making her way into the castle. Her face grew into a bright smile as she spun around in the entrance hall while smiling. The first year students gathered in a smaller room, all cluttered together. Mcgonagall had came in to give a speach about the school. Soon, the students had been lined up to get sorted into their houses.

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