chapter three

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The time had passed, and the month of August had almost came to an end. Snape brought up a large trunk to Lillian's room, along with his old robes. He sat the trunk down, and helped her pack. He had planned on taking everything else with him, and letting her pack some of her jumpers and Jean's. He would be worried, if not for Lucius having swore to take care of his daughter. The two packed until the trunk was full. Snape looked at his daughter and smiled.

"Lillian, you do not know how proud I am of you." He smiled, as he lifted her trunk. "We will be driving to the Malfoy's," he muttered. He hated using his muggle vehicle, however it was easier to get back home from Hogwarts. He folded her clothes after she threw them into the trunk and shook his head. "If you do not fold these, they will wrinkle."

"Papa... I don't wanna go stay with the Malfoy's!" She groaned, falling on her bed. Her hair fell behind her, the red strands scattered around her. "Draco is mean to me, always teasing me about the bloody scar on my wrist." She seemed so annoyed as she packed, throwing some of her sleeping shorts in the trunk with annoyance. Snape hesitated, thinking as he watched Lillian. "Ugh! If he is rude to me, I will jinx him! Don't think I won't! I have been st-"

"Enough Lillian! Don't be arrogant! Do not ever be like him!" Snape spoke, grabbing her hand. She glared at him, before realizing that she was being ridiculous. He took his hand off hers, and side. "Perhaps it is time we have a talk..."

Lillian raised her eyebrow, as she watched her father close her trunk. He sat on her bed, looking at her. Soon Lillian joined him on the bed, looking at her feet. He sighed. "What are we going to talk about? School..."

"Lillian, I want you to look at yourself. Think hard, and do not let yourself be fooled into something. Do you understand?" He asked, looking at her. Lillian nodded and looked down. Her pale form, her brown eyes with tiny specks of green, her smile and pale pink lips. She then looked at her father, and the realization had hit her as if she had always known something was up. "I am not your real father... your parents were murdered by the dark lord. I offered to take care of you..." he spoke, taking her hand in his own. He hadn't seen her show a look of distain. Her hand had pulled away from his own. "You will be in my care until the day you turn seventeen... as you know. It is either me, or an uncle and aunt who shove you under a stair case, and only let you out when they need something done."

"Papa... you have lied to me since I was a young child. Why... why keep this from me?"

"Because I care for you," he spoke, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Your mother... she had made me your God father, as well as Sirius Black. However, he betrayed your parents. I hated that Lilly pasted away."

"What about my father? Why haven't you talked about him?" She spoke, tears falling upon her cheeks. She stopped Severus from wiping them.

"James... he had always bullied me at school. A cold and curl man he was. He was a Gryffindor, however with that traits he had..." he shook his head. Lillian looked up at the one she called papa, feeling the pain he had been feeling. She hugged him, and apologized over and over again for the way she had acted. He kissed her head, shaking his head. "It isn't your fault," he spoke. "You have taken some of James traits... which is why I get a bit... annoyed at times."


Once the two had calmed down, severus carried her things to the car. He sighed, as she followed him. He took a deep breath as he watched her get in the car, getting in the front. He started the car. Lillian was in the back, her small figure covered with a light blue jumper, and Jean's. Severus slowly took off and kept his eyes on the young girl, he could tell she was nervous. He sighed, regretting his choice. They went down a back road, and headed to a burrow.

"Lillian. Do not say anything that has to do with I had told you," he spoke, getting out and helping her grab her bag. He nodded, as to tell her get out.

"Papa... we aren't at the Malfoy's," Lillian spoke, slowly getting out of the car. She followed her father, not receiving an answer. They reached the door and severus knocked impatiently. The red haired woman from before, had answered the door. She had a surprised look on her face.

"Severus! What a surprise! And you brought your little one, how nice," Molly soke with a kind smile. She seemed to be in surprised state.

"Molly... I need to ask you for a favor. My daughter will be attending Hogwarts this year, and I will need someone to watch her tonight. You have many I suppose one more wouldn't hurt..." he spoke in a monotone voice.

"I do not mind at all. What's her name? You didn't tell me that yesterday." Molly spoke, letting the two in.

"Her name is Lilian Snape. I must head out. Do not let her miss the train tomorrow." Snape hugged his daughter, and left without another word. Lillian stood close to the door, looking up at the red haired woman.

"Don't be afraid, if Severus didn't trust us, he wouldn't have left ya here. My name is Molly Weasley. My kid's are in the back, fred and George are playing on their brooms. You can join them, or you can help me cook. I will show you where you will be sleeping after dinner." She smiled, nodding to her with a kind smile.

"O-Other kids? They aren't muggles are they?" She spoke, looking at her feet. After she was assured that the children weren't muggles, she agreed to sit and watch. The kids seemed to be happy, as they flew on the brooms. Ofcourse, one looked as if he was bored.

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