chapter one

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It was an early morning, on a small road in the muggle community. A young girl with fiery red hair was on the lawn of a brick home. She seemed to be on a bench, reading. Her brown eyes scanned the book as she read slowly. She had muttered every now and then.

"Lillian! Come inside this instance!" A voice rang from an open window. The young girl, instantly stood as she felt her blood run cold. When her fathers voice was as cold as it was, she knew he was either angry at her, or had found a paper airplane she had sent to the nabor boy. Her hand had slowly twisted the door nob, as she entered the house. She felt her stomach twist, as her father looked at her.

"I-I," she paused when she saw the Hogwarts stamp on a note. Her fear turned to excitement, that was until her eyes met her father's. "Papa... do I get to go to school this year? Or is this about you taking me to another school..." the brown eyes of hers, met the black orbs of her father's. She had made her way to the sofa, and sat.

"As you know Lillian Irma, Dumbledore has been keeping tabs on you since the day I brought you into this world. He would prefer you to start this year... even if you are just twelve. You and I will need to head to
Diagon Alley tomorrow to pick a few things up. We will also get you fitted for your robes. You will not speak unless asked a question, understood?" He spoke, his voice full of ice. The black haired man only showed the darkest of himself to his daugher.

The young girl let out a groan, as she feel back. She crossed her arms as well. She had a bit of disobedience in her, and she usually allowed it to show when her father acted the way he had.

"Papa, why can't I talk to other children? I am not able to hold my tounge when you ask me to! You kn-" she stopped when he had gotten closer to her, and grabbed the book that she had forgotten. He frowned.

"Your room Lillian Irma Snape! Now! Do not make me repeat myself," he spoke, after throwing the book in the fire. He hated doing this, but it was the only way she would listen. He shook his head as she walked to the mahogany staircase, and stomped to her room. He shook his head, as he walked to the kitchen. He had started on supper.

Meanwhile, Lillian had been up in her room. She was just outraged, as she scribbled down in her journal.

August 22, 1991,

Can you believe papa! Ugh! He always does this, I can't have any friends while living under this roof! And papa has never told me about my mother! He never tells me anything! I just want to scream...or run away! When I start school, I will hang out with who I want! Blondie isn't even my friend, he makes fun of my red hair. He never let's me be. He makes fun of the scar on my wrist. I just want to be like all the normal children. But here I am, almost the end of summer, and I haven't even been to a pool. Papa won't even buy me a little childish pool. He won't let me wear the clothes I wish to wear, and I am not allowed to read anything written by muggles. Sometimes, I wish I was a muggle. Don't tell papa, or I will get into trouble.

She always wrote when she had felt herself get angry, and when she was happy it was when she looked at a picture of her mother...though it was cut in the middle. Her father kept alot of that to himself. She slowly felt herself calming down, as she put her journal under her pillow. Her room wasn't as big as as people believed. It contained a desk and chair, a bed with black sheets, and a black duvet, a dresser, and a closet. Her window stayed open, unless it rained. She had been used to being sent to her room. When snape worked during the school year, she lived alone in the house. She attended a muggle school, and of course she had to do the work and such. She had a Nanny, who had been a wizard. But this year she was going to be at the same school as her father. No more would she have to be silent. She would be able to talk to people, kids her own age. She took a deep breath.

"Accio Moby Dick," she spoke, her hand held out to her desk. She let the book fly into her hand with a smile. She slowly flipped to the first page and started to read. She read until the sun started to fade into the darkness of the night. She slowly closed her book as she stood up. She sat the book on the desk, and slowly headed back down to the kitchen. Lillian sat at the table, and looked at the silverware in front of her.

"I made stew for dinner. Are you hungry?" Snape asked softly. He walked over to the table and sat bowl in front of Lillian. She ate every bite of it, not speaking to her father. "Lillian," he spoke sitting in front of her. He placed his cold hand on her small one. "I only give you rules to keep you safe. You know. When you start school... I want you to become friends with others. But you must stay away from a boy named Harry Potter. He is not someone you wish to be associated with." He turned her hand over and traced the scar with his thumb. "He is full of hatred. If you go around him, I could loose you. Lillian, I lost your mother. I will not loose you," he spoke, looking her in the eyes.

Lillian froze. Her father had never been this kind to her, or let her know this. She felt her wrist start to tingle where the scar was.

"Okay papa... I will stay away from him. I Promise," she spoke, with a nod. She watched him remove his hand from hers, and slowly pulled her arm back. "I am going to bed, I will see you in the morning papa," she spoke with a nod. She headed up her bedroom, thinking. Why, Harry Potter. Isn't that someone famous? She shook the thought from her mind and slowly went to sleep.

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