chapter two

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On the morning she woke up, lilly was sure that this year was going to be interesting. Slowly, lilly got out of bed. She pulled on an olive green tshirt, and a pair of jeans. She pulled on her black flats, and headed downstairs. Snape had already gotten the flew powder ready. He was standing impatiently by the fireplace. She walked over to him, and smiled.

"I know how to do this papa! I watch you do it all the time." She smirked and took some of the powder in her hands, and held it over the fireplace. She then stepped into the fireplace, an threw the flew powder down, after saying, "Diagonally."

Snape caught her mistake. Instantly he disaperated and appeared right in front of the fireplace she came out. "Lillian! You must be careful! If I hadn't have caught your mistake, you could have ended up in trouble!" He spoke, leading her out of the dark magic shop. He sighed as they made their way to Diagon Alley, and headed to the wand shop. "Only talk to olivander. I will go retrieve your books. Meet me in front of olivander."

"Yes papa, your wish is my camand." She chuckled at her own joke, and walked into the wand shop with her gold coins. She bumped into a kid with glasses as she was entering, and knocked his glasses off. She bent down to get them for him. "Sorry, mate. Um, here. Lillian Snape," she told him with a smile.

"Harry," he spoke. Her eyes met his and she let them widen. He looked like a Male version of her with green eyes and brown hair.

"I-I need to go! I will get my wand later!" She spoke in a hurry, backing out of the shop, and running to Flourish and Botts bookstore. Her hands were shaking, as she made her way to Snape. "Papa! Papa!" She spoke, looking around for him. When she found Snape, she was breathing hard.

He has a few books in his hands, and frowned at her. Lillian had never looked so astonished in her life. Her hands looked sweaty. Some of the others looked at Snape with a surprised look. They hadn't known that he had a daughter, let alone that she looked like Lilly and James potter. Snape lead her to the counter to check out and then the two headed out of the store.

"What happened?  Who did you talk to? Did I tell you not to speak with any-" Snape was interrupted by an older woman. She looked to be a plump older woman with fiery red hair. She smiled, and placed a hand on the young girls shoulder.

"Severus, when did you have time to have an adorable little girl. How old is she?" She asked, with a smile. Snape ofcourse pulled his daughter close to him, and glared at her.

"Molly, why are you invested in my business? She is my business, so do not lay your hands on her," he spoke, his tone harsh.

"Papa.. don't be harsh on people... this is wh-" she stopped, felling her father's cold glare upon her. He walked off with her still in his grasp to the wand shop, Lillian kind of surprised by her fathers actions. "Sorry papa..." she whispered. "I didn't mean to be rude to you."

He shook his head, and let go of her. "Lillian, you know that you are my pride and joy. The only thing I have left. Please, for once, listen to me. I need you to stay safe. I... love you," Snape spoke, both his hands on her shoulders. Shock had become the expression on Lillian's face. He had never told her those three words before. Had he been week? Or was someone using pollyjuice potion? She just hugged him tightly.


After gathering the supplies, and Snape taking them home via apperation, the two had gone to the broom shop. He wouldn't want her on the ghastly old school broomsticks. He smiled, watching her fingers glide over the brooms. Lillian looked so much like her mother. He placed his hand on her shoulder, nodding at her.

"Papa, I love this one," she spoke, looking at the Nimbus 5000. It was the only one in the store, and had not been truly released yet. At this her father choked on air, taking the price tag in between his fingers.

"We will have to take all of our vacation fund..." he muttered. "I assure you that I will be getting this, as I had promised you." The two had now bought the broom, and headed out of Diagon Alley. "Grab ahold of my arm Lillian, and do not let go."

Lillian did as she was told, holding on to her fathers arm. The two had done this a few times, but the young lady still hated the poping her ears made. She closed her eyes until she felt the coolness of their muggle home under her feet. She slowly let her fathers arm go, and took a deep breath. She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a butter beer from the icebox, and a peanut butter sandwich which her father had prepared for when they arrived home. She sat at the table, watching the sun set out the window. She hadn't actually been downstairs when this happened. Snape soon sat in front of her.

"We need to discuss what you will call me while you are at school," he spoke, looking away from her. He didn't like to think of her calling her anything other than papa. "I will be your professor. So you will call me Proffessor, and if you disobey the rules of Hogwarts... I am not to hold back."

"Yes papa... I know. Did you have my papers transferred from Smeltings?" She asked softly, looking into her glass. She took a deep breath, and waited for her father's response.

"They have been transfred, yes. As have your test scores. You will be riding the train, and the day before I will be taking you to the Malfoy's to get ready for your arrival to the Hogworts Express. I do have to arrive a day early to prepare for you children," he spoke,  now turning to look ar her. He was always kind to her when he was worried about her. "Now head to bed, and I will teach you a bit of potions in the morning." She nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, papa. Good night," she spoke, as she slowly headed to her room. She leaned off the railing, looking at her father, who was doing the dishes. "I love you too, papa," she spoke, before heading to bed. She slowly fell asleep, her arms wrapped around a pillow.

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