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Being a vampire for quite some time now, Caroline was used to the inescapable urge to rip into someone's throat and suck the life out of their body. The guilty pleasure she felt that night she had allowed her nature to take over her still lingered in the back of her immortal mind. The sweet taste of control moments before taking a mortal's, life still as incurably tempting as ever.

This was her nature and the blonde baby vampire had come to terms with it.

What she wasn't used to, what she always vigorously fought was becoming a monster. Someone who would enjoy inflicting pain on others.

Yet she has no remorse as she shamelessly fantasizes of all the awful things she wishes she could do to the hybrid sitting on the driver's seat.

"Are we sure that these rings are working?" she complained pouting her lips as she straightened the dark-colored sunglasses on her small nose. "Because I could swear I smell my skin roasting in this goddamn heat!"

Klaus chuckled and turned the radio down a tad.

"Maybe you should wear sunscreen!" he joked earning a glare from her.

"Are we there yet?" she asked breathing out annoyance clear in her bitchy tone.

Now, some of you might be familiar with Donkey from Shrek. Remember the lovely scene when they travel all these miles to meet the in-laws?

Well, let's just say that Donkey asked the same question over and over again, fewer times and with less consistency than Caroline has. Yet, the original chose to remain calm and collected instead of lashing out.

"We'll be there in ten minutes," he said with a tight smile.

"Last time I asked you said fifteen minutes!" she scrunched her nose up in distaste.

"That's because you asked me five minutes ago!" he clarified, ever calm.

Silence fell in the car.

Ed Sheeran playing faintly in the background.

She bit her lips and looked outside. Truth be told, she enjoyed every second of the trip and she hated that she did.

Their first date.

According to Klaus.

Caroline didn't want to think of it as such. She simply thought of it as part of her deception to get free of the Original monster.

She hated to admit that the hotel was more than nice. It was incredible. She loved the lavish rooms and beautiful decor. The king-sized bed and room service was her favorite parts and don't even get her started about the bathroom. One word; jacuzzi.

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