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Men fight warsWomen win them~ Queen Elizabeth

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Men fight wars
Women win them
~ Queen Elizabeth


Klaus was restless, he could't sleep.

It could be the events of the night, could be the fact that Caroline was still awake, or that this damn sofa was too uncomfortable. Why did he agree to give her space again? Oh, that's right, he had to seduce her. And also he had to make sure she thought he was giving her space.

She had dropped the walls a bit today.

It was a small step but it was huge for them. Barely tolerating him was a step closer than all-out hating him and it was better to have her interrogate him than to have her shoot him killing glares or nasty comments. He was pleased with the change but he couldn't for the life of him shake the paranoid part of him that thought it was all a trap.

"Why did you decide to do this tonight?" he asked after a while. If he couldn't sleep he might as well get some answers himself.

She didn't reply immediately and he was tempted to remind her he knew she wasn't asleep. He tried to be patient for once and it wasn't easy. Luckily he didn't have to wait too long.

"I figured it would be better than to sit around all day doing nothing," she answered after a while.

He smiled after a beat at her tough love.

"You know I'm not talking about dinner love," he whispered turning his head to see her curled up in the giant bed, covers carefully tacked around her. She lay on her right side, looking down towards him.

"I know," she whispered inaudibly after a few seconds. "I guess, I just wanted to talk to someone. I'm all alone here!"

The desperation in her voice didn't go unnoticed.

They locked eyes. Deep blue, ocean eyes against her baby blues. He saw in her eyes the same thing she always saw in his. It had just occurred to Caroline what it was, that emotion pulsating underneath his permanently cold demeanor; loneliness. So deep and distinct her own paled in comparison. She could try shaking it off, denying its existence, but Caroline was done fooling herself.

And if she was to survive what was to come, she needed to be honest with herself.

That fleeting moment when silence fell in the dark bedroom, illuminated only by the faint moonlight slipping behind the summer curtains, was the first moment they truly connected.

"Klaus?" she asked hesitantly a few minutes after they went back to pretending that they were asleep.

"Hmm..." he hummed as a response, eyes on the ceiling.

"Have you ever...?" she trailed off uncertain if she should let the words leave her lips.

The original turned his head to the side, examining her face for any tells of what might the fierce, young vampire was so hesitant asking. It wasn't like her to hold back, she was always so outspoken and blunt.

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