XVIIII. No More Secrets

Start from the beginning

"I love you." he said pulling away.

"I love you too."

I walked out locking the door behind me and got in my car. I turned on my playlist then pulled off.

A half hour later I pulled up to my destination. I sighed before hopping out of my car making sure I locked my doors behind me before walking inside.

I've been coming to the range a lot lately. I don't tell Jay because he would do too much about how it's his job to protect us. But I need to be able to defend myself.

"Hey Damien." I said hugging him.

Dame and I train together. He really is helpful.

"Wassup babygirl. Back for more?" he said flashing a smile.

"Always." I said laughing with him.

"Let's go then." he said picking up a gun from the table. I decided on a .40 and followed him through the door.

When we got set up I picked up my gun and went to the target. I hit the silhouette man in the shoulder.

"Shit." I said readjusting my arms.

Dame came over holding my arm up. "Look there." he said pointing at the target. "Always keep your eye on the target, not at the gun. And plant your feet to handle that kickback."

I looked over at the target and pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through the head. I smiled and turned around looking at Dame.

"Did you see that?" I said laughing. He laughed right with me.

I turned back around and cocked the gun firing again. We kept going like this for the next thirty minutes using different guns.

"Come over here." he said standing at a table.

I took off the headphones and walked over. "Wassup?"

"I'ma show you how to load a gun and these attachments." he said picking up some cylinder things.

He showed me everything and I practiced loading and putting together a gun. Time really slipped away and I started getting really hungry.

Since I've gotten pregnant I'm always hungry. Or tired. Mostly both.

"Okay it's been real but if I don't get food in the next 2 minutes I will probably die." I said laughing.

"Food sounds great. My treat?"

"Sure. You drive." I said walking toward his truck.

We ended up at Olive Garden. I ordered my usual chicken alfredo with broccoli.

I dug in as soon as it hit the table.

"Is it good?" Dame said chuckling.

"Sure is." I said flicking him off.

We ate really good. We were sitting talking when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Jay mugging me and then mugging Dame.


"Hey." I said scooting out of the booth getting up. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back weakly.

"What you doing out here?" he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him before looking at Dame.

"Jay this is my friend, Damien. Damien this is Jaden. My boyfriend." I said turning back to Jay.

Damien P.O.V.

I raised my eyebrows. "Boyfriend?" I was surprised she never mentioned a boyfriend. Our relationship has never been anything more than a friendship. Plus she looks very pregnant so I knew somebody was in the picture but not all the details. Wasn't my business.

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