Golden Fire

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Short Story #60 - Golden Fire - Piper and Jason




Piper's scream pierces the air and makes Jason fall out of bed and land with a thud on the hard floor. He scrambles up and sprints out of his cabin.

He is first to arrive at the Aphrodite Cabin, with the rest of the camp right behind.

Their cabin is alight with flames, but oddly, there is no smoke. The sons and daughters of Aphrodite come flocking out of the doorway, coughing and sputtering about golden fire.

One of the younger campers comes up to Jason saying, "Piper is still in there. She was running around trying to find a special dagger or something."

Without a backward glance, Jason sprints into the cabin and calls Piper's name.

He gets no response.

Suddenly he trips over something solid and slightly warm. He gets up and turns around slowly, fearing the worst, to see that a pile of gleaming gold sits in the middle of the cabin.

Piper sits right next to it, staring into the shimmering shine.

"What the Hades?" Jason says.

"I have no clue... I woke up to someone screaming fire, so I ran to grab my important sentimental stuff and I tripped over this pile of gold. There's no fire," she says.

"Oh. But who did this?" Jason wonders aloud.

"Probably the Hermes cabin, as I kinda pranked them with a flood yesterday," Piper mumbles as she rubs the back of her neck.

"A flood?" Jason raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I got a bunch of beach smell perfumes, waterproofed the whole inside, and they all woke up to a sandy smelling ocean around them," Piper explains.

"Brilliant," Jason says.

"Thanks. We should probably go tell the others that it was a false alarm," she suggests.

"Yeah, you're right," Jason starts to say as he turns towards the door, but before he turns all the way he swiftly picks Piper up in his arms bridal style.

"What are you doing?!?!" Piper practically screeches.

"Rescuing you," he whispers in her ear.

She giggles and pushes on his chest while he carries her out of the 'burning' building.

The crowd cheers when they see Jason emerge with Piper in his arms. He sets her down and she calm everyone down with charmspeak.

"The fire is a prank. It is just gleaming gold with a spell cast to make it flicker like flames," she says to the quiet crowd, "and I suspect a certain cabin *Hermes* is behind it. It's alright now, go back to bed."

Shrugging and groaning, the camp heads back to bed. Jason takes Piper's hand and drags her back to her bed.

He lays her down on her bed and pulls to cover over her, tucking her in sweetly. (AN: You dirty, dirty thinkers. Tsk, tsk.)

She smiles up at him and he kisses her on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams Pipes," Jason whispers as he leaves her bed side.

"Goodnight Jason," Piper mumbles, half-asleep.

Jason walks back to his cabin, content that his girl is safe in her own bed.


Authors Note:

HEY GUYS!!!! How are my Blue Cookies!

I've written a lot this Spring Break. And by a lot I mean that I've written two short stories...

I just got so caught up in making plans with friends that I forgot to write for all of you lovely people.

Don't worry though, I'm gonna write a lot more on Sunday while I'm working.

179,161 reads
2,916 votes

HOLY SMOKES! You guys are amazing!!! I'm going to have to start thinking of what I'm gonna do for 200k reads.... And 3k votes....


I love you all so much!

Peace out.

- Charolett

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