Y/N pov
OK great... My mom married another guy.. But Korean(I have actually no problem with it).Hmm.. Yeah I like em.. Buuuut.. They r gonna live here now and forevermore! I have a step bro named park jimin. He is.. Handsome, cute,this makes me hard to admit but yeah he is totally damn hot. Wow I'm weird.

Anyways.. Were at the airport waiting for them to arrive. And speaking of it here they are.. I saw my step dad running to us and mom greeting. I hugged dad. But I was not focused as I was busy looking for my bro. Yeah I met him once.. And I was STARSTRUCKED.And yet again I'm wei--


"EEEK MOOOM!!"I screamed



"Everything cuz of u"he winked.

I was looking at him with this expression, 😒😑🙄

"Damn just forgest iittt, hey wanna play ML 1v1?"he asked

Once I heard ml(mobile legends) I stood straight.


"But give me ur account name, mine is _parkjimin95"



The car then stopped (yes, yes they were already there) so were in the house. Oh We live at Camella homes legazpi(not my real address). We went out and saw my friends Shane, jungkook, taehyung, Jin and Yani. We were all 20 year olds and the most loudest people in camella.. And also crazy hehe. As in srsly we like own places here wherever we go but not really and our group name was Alpha wolves.Yeah were crazy. And we are ths most active around here.

"YO GUYZZ!"I went to them and hugged them. I saw jimin looking at us.. With...jelousy?? K IDC. We are at our high-school year grade 9.We are popular there but I don't really want THAT much attention.

"Yo Al(that's y/n's nickname but I ain't telling the real name as in real name)"Shane said.

"Are you going to play out later? (yes we still play)"asked taehyung and jin


"AYIEEEEE OOOHH"Shane interrupted.

I just rolled my eyes. This happened cuz one time tae went on a trip that was so long I kept on finding and asking. And they thought I miss him. Yeah I do he's my friend but I don't like him.. And Jin cuz.. Of how close we are .I kinda like him 30%..but naah.

"So yes or no? "-jin

"Duh yes"

"Umm excuse me but I will talk to y/n first for a while excuse us."jimin talked. I forgot he was here.

"UH fiine.. Oh WAIT GUYS WANNA PLAY ML? "I asked

"HELL YES"They said

"Ok wait I'mma change clothes"

I went in with jimin. We share the same room cuz the other room was for mom and dad.

"K get out I'mma change"

"Hey me too I'mma change u get out"-jimin

"Ladies first get in the cr"

"How bout we just change here together and see each other undress? "He damned smirked at meeeh

"IN UR DREAMS"I pushed him out the door and laughed maniacly

But it died down eventually. And started blushing. I changed and lied down the bed. I was spacing out I didn't even notice jimin knocking, shouting, and unlocking the door.

When he unlocked it, he saw me lying down facing up. Then he hovered above me and went near mah faceu.


"hmm breathing,living and doing this."

He pressed himself and IFELTHSTHINGYDOWNTHERE.

I quickly pushed him And ran out the room going outside the house. I could here his laugh and him shouting "do you really think I would like u?" And kept laughing. I AM SO SAVAGING HIM IN ML LATER AS PAYBACK. I know he doesn't like losing so yeah, he doesn't know I'm mythic already.


"Sure I will ask permission first, hey y/n ask ur bro if he wants to go with us? "Kook said

"K" I called him in the phone cuz I'm lazy and he answered and I asked then he said yes. I waited for my friends then jimin came out with his hands in the pockets. Then all of us went up the hill(yes camella is high so basically a hill with some flat roads). While going up I got tired. Sooo....


"SORRY NOONA BUT ME TOO" he said panting. Woah ok.

"Fine. Then tae-aaand he's gone.. "

"Ugh ok then jin can u?"


"THANK U"I said running to him and his back. He carried me and guess what...


They.. Started.. AGAIN. But jimin was glaring. Boi Wat is wrong with ya?

We reached the clubhhouse and jin was panting and laid his arms on my shoulder.


But he ignored me.. So I went to my own way to go the other way with Shane.

But.. When I got there.. I saw him with some girl.. Flirting and..

MY STEP BROTHER(That Is The King Of Jealousy)Where stories live. Discover now