Chapter 12: New Beginnings

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"Dyaln?" she starred at him like if he was a monster.

"Um you guys know each other?" I asked.

"Um yeah...I guess." they both say.

I look to my left and to my right, what if they dated my mind said, god! how much I hate my thoughts.

"We um kind of a thing back in middle school, but that was long ago." Dylan says.

I raise my eyebrows in understanding and nod, then I looked at ivy, she was looking at her shoes and playing with her fingers, looks like she dosen't want to talk about it...must have been special.

"I see so what happened? I mean if you wanna tell me that is." I say quickly.

"Nothing really I just moved away and we drew a part from each other I guess, I remember that say she called me and told me we should break up...." he chuckled a little "And so then we ended and now I'm back." he said calmly like it dosen't matter to him.

I'm thinking maybe there was something more then just a call of a break up, but I tell ivy to spill the beans later. I look at her and she's staring at the whiteboard.

"So you guys dated and then broke up?" I asked both of them, they both nodded, hmmm.

"You know maybe I should go sit somewhere else, don't want you guys to feel uncomfortable." Dylan says. I shake my head as a no.

"It's okay, although I don't think the teacher would even let you anyway." I say chuckling, the teacher is preetty strict.

Ivy takes her stuff and put it in her bag, then gets off her seat and leaves fhe classroom I called her name but she kept on going, I was about to go after her but Dylan grabbed my arm.

"I'll go, stay here." he says, not even looking at me. And soon enough he's out the door too, leaving me alone, I can here that people are whispering, I look around the room and they're all looking at me, Great, Just Great.

Ivy's POV

I couldn't take it anymore the tension was killing me, I grabbed my stuff and left the classroom, I heard Mae calling for me but I ignored it, I'm always like this, a coward, I always runaway from what I don't want to see, feel or hear.

I was walking through the hall tears were about to spill, someone grabbed my arm and spun me to see face to was Dylan.

My eyes were watery, I was gonn cry "Let go of me!" I said strongly but weak, I felt a tear slip and soon more, I let out a soft sob, which I regret.

He pulled me to him and hugged me, a little too tight and that's exac4 what I needed, someone to hug me, I'm stupid I still have feelings for him.

"Please, please just leave me alone." I said whispering and pushed him off me and ran as fast as I could, I got to the main doors one of the assistants in the main office shouted at me but I just left running,  I didn't stop.

I finally got somewhere noone could here me or find me, so I cried and let it all out. The pain, The suffering, The emptiness.

Mae's POV

I'm really worried about Ivy I've texted and called her to many times to count still nothing she left the whole day and I still haven' heard from her.

Dylan came back after he talked with ivy I guess, I asked what happened he just told me he would look for her afterwards, but I wanted to go look for her at the moment.

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