Chapter 14: Before Everyone Finds out

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"You went to the doctor?" My mom looks at me.

I was surprised, and in my mind i thought 'How does she know?'.


"Yeah um i wasn't feeling well so a friends took me there." I couldn't look at her in the eyes so i just looked at the floor.

"They called me and told me that have cancer.." I looked at her surprised, what will i do nowd do i have to get treament.. I'll find out later when i go to the doctor.

"...Yes they did mention that to me..." i kept looking at the floor, tears started to blur my vision.

"Oh honey." She said and hugged me.

I just cried as there was no tomorrow which thay could be true, i just i could be free, fly in the sky and runaway, it comes to that point of life when i don't know what i did through life or what i was planning to do, i just wasn't sure anymore.

Becuase it's true what they say...everyone was born to die.

My life made a turn a HUGE turn that i was never expecting, I didn't want to die so young but nor did i want to live the life i was living.

So many thing keep going through my mind about what to do, since when, where did it all start, why..just why...

My questions won't probably be answered, but i hope someone notices them.

After some sobbing, my mom told me to get ready to go to the doctor, i'm probably going to get the treatment, it might change my destiny and it might not.

While i was taking off my clothes i went to youtube recently a classmate of mine suggested i listened to a song she loved, it's in another language but it had english subtitles, i searched it and put it, the lyrics described so much how i was feeling and what i really wanted.

My favorite part "Strong girl, you know you were born to fly."

I smiled a bit thinking I just have to be strong.

I showered ,I got dressed and got ready to go to the doctor.

I went down stairs and saw my mom "Mom I'm ready." and so we got going, while i was waiting to get there I kept thinking to myself 'no one must find out about this' .

We finally got to the hospital that attended me and soon enough the doctor came.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Henry, I'm glad you came, so i will talk to you miss..?"

"Mrs. Roslyn."

"Right, ok what's going to happen is I want your permission to give Mae treament-".

"Wait have you even asked me if I want treament? And are we even sure that it's going to help me live longer, becuase if it's like that i'm ok with dying within 3 months."

"The treament won't just help you live longer it will slowly help you get better so the cancer can go away, i have pacients that have been fighting for 16 years or more it takes time but as long as we don't give up i'm sure you have a chance to live your life again." The doctor said as he looked at me with pitful eyes.

I sighed and kept thinking ' I need time' 'they only pity you but they might be hiding something else'.

"I'm sorry but I need time to think this over." I rush out of the room, my mom was calling my name but i didn't want to pay attention.

I'm just really scared what if all that work is for noting then they would be waisting their time, i frowned.

I waited for my mom to get in the car, while I waited I saw a little boy about 7 running around looking so happy it looks like he had lost most of his hair cuase there was still some remaining.

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