Chapter 9: Life Is A Bitch

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"Could I talk to you for a sec?" he asked.

Well looks like my day just got worse..and I didn't get to eat yet


"Why should I?" I asked him firmly

"Please it's important." he begged.

I sighed, I really don't want to be alone with him cuase who knows what he's gonna do.

"Fine." I said bitterly.

He also sighed and we walked out of the cafeteria, as I followed him out I noticed a bunch of people looking at us.

"What are you all looking at!?" I yelled, and everyone looked away.

I stomped until Ethan stopped.

"Okay talk." I demanded.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry the way we ended, I'm really hoping we can become friends and you'll let me protect you-".

"Protect me!? why the hell would I need you, I can protect myself you kno-" I was cut off by his lips chrashed onto mine.

My eyes widen and I didn't kiss back instead I tried to get out of his grip cuase he had his arms around my waist.

Finally I decided to kiss him back, but only to distract him soon enough I kicked him where the sun dosen't shine and he went to the ground..hard.

He was goaring on the floor and turned into a ball.

"Guess you didn't know." I said looking down at him.

"Know what?" he recovered and sounded angry.

"I'm taken." I said and walked away with a proud smile on my face.


ring ring ring

Finally the bell now I'm free from this hellhole...oops I meant school haha...

I was humming boom clap from charli xcx as I was getting to my locker to grab my backpack and get my stuff, then suddenly I remembered I have no ride home!

Wait emmett could give me a ride!!

I took a out my phone and texted him, I finally got a reply saying sure but we need to talk. I looked at it confused...was he breaking up with me!! Mae don't get silly he wouldn't do that.

I skipped through the halls getting wierd looks from people, but I just ignored them, suddenly I felt hungry oh yeah I forgot to eat..

I'll tell Emmett to go to McDonald's before droping me off.

As I was walking I saw my jerk of a ex-boyfriend/bodyguard I decided to ignore him, then suddenly someone grabbed my arms and yanked me to the lockers I groaned in pain and looked at the person who did that.

"What the hell do you want now!?" I screamed and that got everyone's attention.

"Whoa calm down girl although I like it when you're mad you look hot." he said.

"Look if you don't have anything important to say, I'm out of here."

I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't, he just smirked at me which got me pissed.

"You think I would just leave you alone for what you did back at lunch?" he said and started to laugh, everyone looked confused and started to get curious so they tried to hear more.

I sighed "What do you want me to say? that I'm sorry, well guess what I won't now get off me!?" I screeched.

He just looked at me with anger, he stopped pinning me to the locker and grabbed my arm and dragged me to an empty classroom.

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