Chapter 6: More Surprises-Part 2

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OH MY GLOB!!! what do I do they're talking to each other...ash what to do think brain think!....ash I've got nothing, oh well gotta wing it.

I walked out of the kitchen and went to where brian and emmett were.

"Um hey guys whacha doin there hehe...he..." they looked at me with confused expressiones I'm guessing they don't know each other very well..thank god that takes alot of wieght of my shoulders..that was until brian spoke.

"So I've thought about what your mom asked me answer is yes, I will marry you!" he says then comes to hug me, and I'm standing there shocked, I was totally afraid he would say that.

Then I looked at emmett his eyes were such an expression that was mixed between mad and disappointed.

"Um brian I'll meet you at the table I need to get something in the kitchen with emmett, don't worry I won't take long." I told while dragging emmett with me.

Once I got to the kitchen with emmett he corssed his arms and looked at me mad.

"Okay I know I have some explaining to do, but at least tell me what's in your mind, you're kind of scaring me."

He sighed and uncrossed his arms then looked at me meaning that he was going to talk.

"I'm mad but becuase we had a plan and it just got tossed threw the window..."he continued "Also why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Well first I'm also feeling like the plan just got thrown in the garbage but I just found out today like 5 minutes ago, that old hag just told me!?" I told him silently.

He sighed and grabbed some cups.

"Why are you grabbing cups!?" I asked him.

"Well we need an excuse cuase you dragged me here remember?"

"Oh you're I'll grab the pot to serve tea.."

And so the conversacion ended like that, and emmett put the cups for everyone while I served tea meanwhile looking at emmett I worried he wouldn't talk to me anymore...then I'd be alone..again.

I shook the bad thoughts out of my head and focused on my mom's party.

After serving everyone more people I didn't know but some people I did.

Eventually it started to get dark and I was outside drinking soda in a wine cup sitting in a swing, looking at the stars hoping to find some way out of reality.

All of the sudden I started swinging higher, I looked back and to my surprise it was emmett swinging me.

"What are you doing here?" I said with the sudden urge to cry.

"I saw you and I thought you looked magical!"

"What that makes no sense!" I was now off the swing to be able to talk to him more.

"You know, a girl in a cute poffy dress looks like she's drinking wine on a swing looking at the stars..magical!" he explained.

which made me luagh.

"Haha well FYI I drinking Pepsi, ahhh I can't dealwith these flats they hurt a lot." I say taking my flats off and sitting in a seat that my dad made on a trunk of a tree.

"Come on sit with me, I don't bite hehe!" I say jokingly.

He sat next to me and we both stayed there looking at the stars in a peacful and comfortable silence.



"Are you going to get married with brian?" I knew this question would come along.

"Don't worry I'll find a way out of this then we can continue the plan." I said and looked at him and smiled, he smiled back then he grabbed my hand and layed his head on top of mine.

The position we were in felt so right, that I felt really sleepy.

Suddenly everything started to get blurry and my eyelids closed soon I was asleep right next to a guy that was so far...precious to me.


aww aren't they just the cutest don't worrythe next chapter will come around 2 weeks from now or maybe sooner.

I hope you guys liked this chapter I totally loved writing it.

please make sure to comment to tell me what you thought of this chapter and what do you expect to see in the next chapter.

thanks for reading my book.

love you all, kat25521♥

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