Chapter 2

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I wanted to say that you will be replacing Mineta because I never want to write about that perv in this story. Thanks for understanding please enjoy the chapter!

(Y/N) PoV

I quickly burst out of bed running down the stairs into the kitchen. Pushing and shoving was the only way I was going to get any food so, I may or may not have shut the door on Bakugo on the way out of my room. After finally managing to drag Bakugo out of the house we made our way to UA! I couldn't be more excited.

"Hey, Frosty! I don't want you to fail and make me look like a loser so you better be at the top of the class with me!" I rolled my eyes in response to Bakugo's very unique way to say do good. We walked into class and much to both of our surprises Midoriya was there. I was going to walk up to him but, somebody decided to start yelling at him. So, not wanting to associate with Mr. Hot Head I walked across the room to find a seat. I ended up sitting two seats behind Bakugo, right behind Midoriya and in front of a girl with a black ponytail, the person to my right has a bird head. That's about all that I noticed before we were told to get changed for a quirk assessment. I wasn't too worried honestly, just worried for the poor person who is going to place last.

I quickly, almost ran, to the locker room to change before any of the girls got there. There's things I'm not ready to show anyone yet. This made me end up waiting alone with Mr. Aizawa for an unusual amount of time. It was a bit awkward because he just seemed to be evaluating me off of the way I was standing there, or maybe he knew about that. Things lightened up a bit when I heard talking not too far away from where we were standing. I waved my hand a totally pink girl with the cutest horns walked up to me. "Hi! I'm Mina Ashido but, you can call me Mina! It's great to meet you."

"Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and the pleasure is all mine. Good luck not, you won't need it I can tell you're going to do great today." I chirped with a light smile that didn't last long due to a bone crushing hug from the same girl.

"Aww you're too sweet (Y/N)-chan! I can call you that right?"

"Y-yeah. B-but may-b-be loosen u-up a bit?" Gosh this girl is so much stronger than she looks.

"Oh! My bad! I want you to meet some of-"

"Class we will begin now." Aizawa then went on to explain what we would be doing today. I looked around the crowd seeing a bit better the people that were in my class. One thing was for sure, I was by far the most plain looking, not that it really matters though. "(Y/N) you're up next."

I made my way to the circle trying to decide what would be the best way to use my quirk to launch the ball. I ended up just throwing the ball up, quickly turning into my wolf form and using a boost from my Ice quirk I kicked the ball with a flip using my hind legs to get the maximum power. I waited for my score. 724.6 meters! I was quite proud.

I turned around to see the stunned faces of my classmates but, something magical happened as I met eyes with the bi-colored hair. I saw what was described to be the color blue. I was at a loss for words. My eyes widened, but he didn't seem to notice all of the new color around him. I was knocked out of my trance by none other than Bakugo. "Hey what was that about! I didn't say that you could beat me like that!"

"I'm sorry but I guess I'm just that good. Maybe you'll be my number two hero." He started fuming, well there was a lot more mini explosions than anything but I could tell he was just slightly pissed off by me.

The rest of the assessment finished and I realized I placed fifth. Bakugo was fourth and the girl behind me placed first! I was really proud of myself. But, couldn't help but think about the fire and ice quirk boy, my soulmate. I was still a bit out of it. Happily I smiled at my one friend so far Mina. I was so proud she got tenth! But, I still felt bad for Midoriya. He almost got expelled because I don't think at first that this teacher was joking when he said someone was going to get expelled today.

We were able to head back to the locker room to change but this time I was not the first to go. It was Aizawa's fault. "(Y/N) please stay here for a moment we have some things that we need to discuss." Nervous, I made my way over hoping that didn't do anything wrong on my first day at UA. "Now, I know about your past and I know it isn't pleasant. But, there is something very important I need to tell you. UA and a private and a select group of the police were able to track down one of your parents. He is currently in jail for many crimes and working with a notorious villain. One I know you are very aware of, All for One. You're mother is still missing but we don't believe she is a villain, just something for you to know to help soften the situation a bit for you" before I even knew what was happening the day that I thought was going to be the best, turned to one of the worst. I could finally meet my parents but they were villains and had worked with the man who wanted me dead.

"Thank you sir. I will be making my way to class if that is all."

"Yes you may. Don't be afraid to talk to the Bakugos about this. I know this must be very hard for you to hear." With that I turned and quickly got changed so I wouldn't be late to my English class.

How could my day go from the best most important day of my life so far, to also being the day where my whole world came crashing down on me.

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