Chapter 1

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(Y/N) PoV

Running and screaming was all that seemed to fill my ears. People were everywhere while I hid under the rubble of my home, more so an ally, but home it was. The day was cold due to the clouds and rain but, I didn't dare move because I knew he was out there, by their screams All for One. I sat there and shivered for what felt like hours but was merely minutes, when he entered the ally and stared right at me. I felt a wave of cold rush over me with just his presence you could feel the temperature drop If I wasn't shaking much before I definitely was now. With one of his countless quirks he pulled me towards him without moving as much as a muscle. I was terrified, frozen unable to think, hear, or speak. I was staring at the face of my killer.

Then, the strangest thing happened I closed my eyes. Then when I opened then was quite a few inches shorter and much warmer. I thought maybe this was his quirk at work, that I should just accept whatever my fate maybe, but by looking in his eyes and seeing the same amount of confusion as my own, it clicked in my head. This. Was. My. Quirk. I very quickly examined myself to see claws and fur as white as fresh snow so, before he could recollect himself I slashed by claws at him. It wasn't much, but enough to draw some blood. He didn't hesitate after that. " My, my and here I thought that I had finally found another child to teach but, it turns out that you are like everyone else. A BRAT!" He then flug tentacle like black objects in an attempt to hurt me but, I continued to slash at him in hopes he would stop attacking me to prevent hitting himself. It didn't work though he ended up managing to push me off of him.

Huffing and puffing I lied on the ground unable to move out of shock. When I looked up, I found one of the tentacles ready to slam into me. "STOP!" I shouted in desperation pushing my paws out in front of me as if it would do any good to the unpreventable death that was looming over me. But, it never came. So, I opened my eyes to see a thick layer of ice surrounding me, preventing him from being able to stab me. Quickly, I stood back up prepared for whatever might happen next. All for One just stood there as I began to run away, "Get over here! I need you! Join my league! I will give you the family you always wanted!" I froze in my tracks not believing what he said,

"No! Leave me alone! I don't want your lies! There is nothing for me with you! I don't want to be a villain! I'm not bad!" Then I saw something I would never believe. A small boy was held in one of his hands by his throat. I froze. "Let him go! What are you doing!" He just chuckled for a moment.

"Join me and I will save this boy's life." For a moment I stood there confused as to why he would do this to a stranger but it wasn't.

" Let my friend go!"

"Hah! What friend? This boy? The one you don't even know the name of? Never. Not unless you join me." I stood there for a moment and panicked. I tried making a spear like piece of ice and launching it at him. I made the object but not the target. Angry I started to fume suddenly I felt the temperature around me drop. As I looked around I saw the area start to fill with snow that followed the movement of my paws. Amazed with all the things I could do I stood there admiring my work. But nothing lasts forever when I was hit with that black tentacle my world shattered. I found myself in the reality of the situation. I decided that I would turn back into my human form just trying to keep my claws. A little harder than expected but I managed especially with a hole going through my side.

Everything from then on was a blur fighting, biting, changing, daggers, black, white and then suddenly nothing. I knew at that point I had lost. That my friend was at this point at best dead and I was in the hands of the most notorious villains ever All for One. I had fought tooth and nail yet it was all for nothing. I felt myself being picked up then suddenly very,very loud yelling. I tried to cover my ears even just a bit but, I wasn't able to move.

~Three Weeks Later~

I woke up to the monotonous beeping in a room. Finding myself in a place of all white I was confused, whispering to myself, "Is this what it's like when you die? Cause if so it's quite annoying." I heard a chuckle. Quickly I looked over expecting to find All for One but, there was a blonde with glasses whom I never have seen before. I was very confused and I think that he could tell by the look that was on my face.

" My name is Present Mic! Well my hero name anyways. I saw what you did to the villain! It was awesome! How did you stand against him for that long? You're crazy!!!" I sat there in a daze wondering how a pro hero, let alone quite a popular one was admiring me. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Anyone would have done the same in that situation, right?

"Me? You're talking to me? Cause I didn't do anything amazing I did what most people would do right? I'm just a kid! I just got my quirk too!"

"Yeah, dear listener it is you who I am talking to and about. How would you like me to be let's say your personal teacher?"

"I couldn't," I sighed " I wouldn't dare be a burden to a pro hero like you and plus. I don't have much of a place to go to after we would be done anyway." I just realized how terrible my situation was. No family, no home, no food, nothing of my own but the ally that was destroyed that day. I felt a hand reach out and start to harshly shake me?

I woke up with a start seeing blood red eyes in front of me. "Wake up icy bitch! You're gonna make us late to our first day at UA! You got in on recommendations and I placed first in the exam! Don't make us looking fucking bad!" I stared at him for a moment trying to process everything. "Let me guess you had that shitty dream again? Don't worry about that now you are going to be my number two hero because I'm number one! But, never without you." His voice toned down and became much more relaxing at the end as he held up his pinky.

"Never without you." I responded linking my pinky with his.

"KIDS!!! Get your asses down here now before I eat your breakfast!" Katsuki and I exchanged looks and quickly ran down stairs to start our pretty hectic yet, typical morning in the Bakugo's house.

Okay that is the first chapter. A little explanation that whole beginning part up until the violent shaking was a dream. Yes, the time skip too but, due to the whole thing of altered time perception in dreams all of that was in one night. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this I promise things will get more interesting and into the soulmate part of this starting the next chapter!

Bye my stars!

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