Chapter 5: First Practice

Start from the beginning

"Fine, but it's up to Mia," I said as I walked to Mia and Zac walked to his table.

I weaved through the tables to where Mia was sitting with Jackson. 

"Hey, Jackson. I thought you had "b" lunch?" I asked. 

"I did but I wanted to see Mia more so I asked to switch my lunch and they let me." 

"Cool," I said, "Speeching of which Zac asked me to sit with him and said I could bring you. Do you want to sit over there? " I asked.

"No, I want to spend time with Jackson, you go." She insisted.

"No, I don't want to go without you because it's rude," I said.

"GO, I don't want you to feel like a third wheel." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, go have fun." She said to me as I packed up my water bottle and my sandwich. 

I weaved through the tables until I got to Zac's table. He saved me a seat in between Liam and him. 

"Hey, Mia isn't coming, she wants to spend time with her boyfriend," I whispered Zac.

"That's fine." He said to me. "Hey guys, this is the new girl Ava." He introduced me.

"Hi." They all said at the exact same time.

"Hey," I said. I got out my phone and texted Zac.

Ava: You could have said, "Hey guys, this is Ava." Not introduce me as the new girl.

Zac: Lol, sorry.

"Ava?" Aksed my brother Justin as I looked up from my phone.

"Justin?" I asked as everyone at the table looked back and forth between my brother and me.

"Wait, your siblings?" Asked Saige. She was sitting next to my brother and Jake. 

"Yeah, only a year apart," I say. He was a senior and I was a Sophmore. I didn't really get along with Justin when we were younger but we hang out a lot just the two of us.

"Wow, I didn't even think you could be related. I just thought it was weird two new people show up with the same name." Zac laughed. I looked at him and he just kept on laughing. 

When lunch was over we all got up and walked to our next classes. I walked with Zac and Alex since we have the fourth block together.

"So Ava. I hear you the house you live in is a beach house." Alex asked. 

"Yeah, the house I live in now was actually a vacation house but my father found a job up here so we live in it now."

"Dude you live in a beach house to bro." Said Alex.

"Yeah. I live down Clarton View Prt. Rd." He said.

"Oh, my gosh same. My house number is 12." I said.

"Mine is 16," he said. That meant he only lived like 2 or three houses over from mine. 

We all walked until the warning bell rang. We looked at each other and we ran down the hallway to Science. 

The last classes of the day decided to take forever.  When the bell for the school to be out I realized I had soccer. I got out my phone and texted Zac.

Ava: Hey, I have practice until 4. I am going to go home in my car but walk to your house after. 

Zac: That's fine, I forgot I told my mother I would pick up my dad from work. So maybe be at my house for 5ish?

Ava: Yeah that works.

I turned off my phone and went to the girl's locker room to change for soccer practice. I was kinda more excited for my study session with Zac than soccer practice. When I walked into the locker room most of the girls from try-outs were there already. I turned the corner and found Mia. She was already in her soccer clothes. I got changed and told her about Zac. While we walked out to the soccer field Saige stopped us.

"Hey girls. See you on the field." She waved to us as she walked past us with her posse. 

"I can't wait to school her at practice," I said and just kept walking while Mia looked at me with a confused face. 

~Author's Note~

Hey guys, thank's for the 28 reads. I am so grateful that I have at least 25. Anyway sorry for the long chapter. I didn't know how to end this chapter. Have a good day and maybe a new update will come soon but I had some free time today so I wrote this chapter to fill in for the long absence. 


P.S. Some more reads, and I want to see some more votes and at least a comment. Bye :)

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