"(Y/N)! Wake up!...(Y/N)!..." I heard my name be called rapidly. I opened my eyes gasping for air, I grunted and groaned as I felt the wood parts stab into me more. Armin and Jean were trying to lift the rebel off me, "Eren?...where's Eren?" I asked trying to ignore the pain.

Armin gulped, "H-He hasn't transformed yet, I think he's like you stuck under some rebel." Armin answered then went back to trying to lift the rebel off me. I sighed knowing the current situation I'm in, "Armin, Jean. Leave me, I'll figure something out. You need to stop Annie from killing anyone," I said making them look at me shocked.

"What?! Are you crazy? No way in hell I'll leave you alone like this!" Jean yelled and continued to lift more rebel. "Jean, you know damn well like Armin you two can't pull me out. I'll figure something out, I promise go help Mikasa fight Annie." I said more stern like I was ordering then to leave me which I kinda was doing.

Both males looked at each other then back at me. I gave them a reassuring smile telling them I'll be okay, both sighed but wished me good luck and went to help Mikasa with Annie.

I sighed more then started grunting again. I need to figure something out quick before I start to bleed out, looks like my regeneration isn't working which would make sense but besides the point.

I started to lift some rebel off me which was successful. After I got all the rebel off my abdomen, I looked at my current state which was just me bleeding pretty bad. I sighed more and started down at my legs, when I was busy trying to get crushed building parts off my legs.

I saw a flash of lighting and whipped my head to where I saw it. I saw Eren's titan emerge from the rebel of buildings and punch Annie's titan in the face, I slightly smiled and when I looked down at my legs again my abdomen was streaming off meaning I'm healing my wounds.

After I got all the remaining rebel off me, I lift myself off the ground almost falling but regaining my balance again. My abdomen was still streaming off, my shirt was ripped and stained with blood you could even see where I was stabbed before I started streaming off.

But that didn't bother me right now, what did was Eren getting his ass beat by Annie again! I used my ODM gear to see a better view of the titan fight. Once I got to where Eren was, his face was fucked up.

His skull was particularly smashed in. But then his titan got these lava like veins around his body, and his eyes weren't bright green anymore but icy blue. I stepped back and the titan started heading towards Annie on all fours, I knew damn well he was blinded by rage like back at the Titan forest with his first fight with Annie.

Then Eren tackled Annie making both of them land on some marketing stands. He then grabbed her face smashing it in the palm of his hand, Annie elbowed his titan's face running for...the walls?

While I watched from an distance, I was confused why she was heading towards the walls. Then it clicked in my head, Annie always talked about going back to her dad the first most important person in her life.

I asked who was the second, but Annie always avoided the question or didn't answer. Then Eren's titan grabbed onto her leg, Annie kicked him off of course but he ripped her leg off while falling down.

Then Annie was about to continue to climb. But Mikasa got on the wall in front of her, and cut her down making her fall all the way down to the ground where Annie once again was attacked by Eren's berserk titan.

I saw Eren bite her nape off, exposing a crying Annie in her titan's nape. It looked like Eren was about to eat her, so I stepped in and cut my hand slightly with my ODM blades shifting.


Third person P.O.V

A flash of lighting was seen by the scouts. The scouts could hear a big thud, then the next thing the scouts knew Eren's titan was thrown across from where Annie was. A wave of stream hit any scouts that were near Annie Leonhart's titan, once the stream cleared up (Y/N)'s titan was seen having it's armored body hovering over Annie's nape.

"(Y/N)?!" Some scouts screamed out. But what the scouts noticed was that (Y/N) wouldn't move from Annie's titan body, "Hey (Y/N)! We're kinda in a hurry, so could you move?" Jean asked his titan shifter friend.

"No..." I deep raspy voice said. It came from (Y/N)'s titan, she can speak perfectly fine in her titan foam. "What?" Asked Jean raising a brow, the big black armored titan moved it's head showing the scouts the armor around it's mouth was moved up to speak to her comrades.

"I said no.." The voice said once again but more stern and kinda scary. Most scouts backed up from the titan, it's gold piercing eyes glared at every scout it could spot, "Soldier (L/N)! I ask of you to move aside, so we can capture Annie Leonhart!" Commander Erwin yelled walking towards the titan.

Captain Levi already pulled Eren out his titan, but that didn't matter right now. (Y/N)'s titan could be seen holding something, or more like someone in it's hand close to it's armored neck.

Like (Y/N) was guarding something, hiding it in her hand but having it rest against her titan's neck. The scouts could see the shifter of the Female titan in the Shadow titan's hand, "Soldier (Y/N)! You know she's a threat to humanity!" Commander Erwin yelled trying to tell one of his soldiers to put the enemy of humanity down.

"Maybe you're a threat to humanity, you human demon..." (Y/N) fired back making some scouts draw their blades at the titan. "How dare you speak to Commander Erwin like that!" One soldier yelled only to be stopped by the Commander himself, "You know he's right (Y/N), just put me down I promise." Annie spoke being quiet while this whole incident played out.

(Y/N) moved her titan's head to look at her friend in her hand. "What? No why? I'm not putting you down, the scouts are going to question you then execute you after they get useful information out of you..." (Y/N) said even though her voice is a lot more deeper, you could her the concern in her tone.

Annie looked down at the scouts then back up at her titan friend. "It's fine. Don't worry about I promise," Annie said trying to sound reassuring as possible, but then what caught (Y/N) off guard and listen to her friend putting her down on the ground.

Was that Annie smiled, Annie Leonhart the girl who would give cold glares at people smiled. Her smile was big and cute but not in a creepy way but in a happy way, like she was happy to be by (Y/N) side and know that the girl cared about her just as much as Annie cares about her.

You could hear (Y/N) sigh, then pull herself out of her titan after putting Annie down. The scouts tied Annie up putting her in one of the underground cells, (Y/N) watched from a distance letting her best friend slip away from her grasp again.

But that second person that Annie cares about still lingered in the back of the titan shifter's mind.

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