Chapter XVII: Amoi

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Taylor quickly dressed and put on a light layer of waterproof makeup. Katelynn must of went to my room for me, she is so thoughtful to bring my remaining things to this room. She quickly exited the hospital-like room and glanced up and down the hall. Why do they always leave me alone? I don't know my way around here! Agh. Taylor began her way down the hall. Thunder cracked outside the white walls of the building. Calm down, Taylor. You can't think clearly when your mad. Take a deep breath. Taylor inhaled deeply, then exhaled. Dear Lord, please help me remain calm in the midst of the war and to trust that Your will Lord, and Your will only, will be done. Let me be ok with Your will and to follow and obey You. Please help me to focus on what You want me to do. Amen. She prayed as she folded her hands and bowed her head, in full view of the security cameras. Taylor took a deep breath. She began walking once again, this time purposefully instead of angrily. Thank-you, Jesus. She thanked her King as a feeling of peace and power came over her. The power of the Holy Spirit is within me. How could I have possibly doubted myself or the others? Be thankful that Seth is not the only one in your life now. But now I wish he was the only one in my life, cuz' then maybe I could find out if he has feelings for me as well. Taylor, focus on not getting more lost than you already are. And while your at it, you need to get rid of this crush. Katelynn came toward her in the hall, her arm un-bandaged and covered by a long-sleeved dark blue sweater shirt.

"Katelynn, thanks for bringing my clothes to the hospital room. How is your arm?" Taylor asked, mentally making a pack with herself to not talk about her own arm.

"No problem. Mine is healing fine, I need to change the bandage on yours though. How was your sleep?" She replied.

"I slept well actually, you?"

"I actually didn't sleep last night, I studied the reports the field agents from the west end had made up, then studied my Bible. Then around two am, one of the field agents came in wounded and I had to dress his wounds." Katelynn explained, examining Taylor's arm.

She hasn't slept all night?! Is that supposed to be normal for IJA agents? How even? Taylor masked her confusion.

"It's fine, I'll dress it. You should rest for a bit." Taylor told her.

A confused expression crossed Katelynn's face.

"Why would I need to rest? I am one of the least worked agents in this building. I get Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks off for rest. Don't worry about me." She told Taylor, smiling at Taylor's shocked expression.

"So you don't sleep for months at a time?" Taylor asked, astonished.

"Oh, no. I sleep every other night. It saves time. But don't try doing it, I'm one of the only people who can do that." She chuckled, "now come with me and we'll fix your arm up."

"Will the field agent be alright?" Taylor inquired.

"Oh yes, he has been through much worse. The only reason I made him stay the night was because he hadn't slept for the past seventy-two hours." Katelynn explained, giving her a shadow of a smile.

Katelynn took Taylor to another room where she cleaned up Taylor's arm and put on a new bandage.

How does she keep it up? Never stopping even when she has to create something for herself to do. Taylor's stomach grumbled and Katelynn smiled.

"I think it's time we both get some breakfast." Katelynn decided, leading the way to the elevators.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Katelynn bought herself a doughnut and Taylor decided on bacon and eggs.

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