Chapter XII: Pride

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Seth was watching from a distance, as a man came up behind Taylor, with Alex by his side. Doesn't she know he is there? What is she going to do to protect herself and Jake? Why isn't she getting up? I was hoping she would know what to do. The man leaning over Taylor and Jake threw his foot back before sending into Taylor's side. No reaction from her. I better step in.

"Alex, wait here as back up." He instructed softly, then quietly and quickly approached the man from behind.

He swiftly struck the man in the neck, causing him to slump to the ground. Seth quickly knelt down beside the screaming Jake and unconscious Taylor. How could I have let this happen? I need to get them to the IJA medical clinic immediately.

"Alex." He called over the screaming of the infant and the sound of thunder.

Alex came running up behind him.

"Alex, go to the medical clinic down the street and tell the receptionist that 'SF needs medical help for TKT.'" He instructed.

Alex nodded hurriedly and dashed down the street, soon hidden by the darkness of the night. Dear Lord, please keep him safe. Seth prayed as he watched the young boy run off. Please don't let anything happen to Taylor or Jake. I can't loose them too. Seth blinked back tears. If you do, you'll be fine. Your always fine. Seth unzipped Taylor's coat and took Jake out, hugging him close to himself as he haltingly tried to zip Taylor's coat up with one hand. Her braided bun had begun to fall out, causing wisps of wet hair to surround her face. SF took a deep breath and glanced around, gently rocking Jake in the crook of his arm. The rain mysteriously stopped, not even the sound of late night traffic was heard. Everything was quiet except the quieting cries coming from Jake. Lord, why is it so quiet? Suddenly, shadows in the shape of a children wearing hooded capes began floating around the corners of the buildings, staying close to the shadows. The shadows seemed to meet with one another, then vanish. Seth sucked in a breath. Jake began to scream again, the rain began to pour and the thunder and lightning returned. Rain drops splashed into the puddles around them, the water hitting their clothing and bare hands. A shiver ran down Seth's spine. The air became frigid, causing Jake to begin screaming and Seth's breath to become visible. Any light coming from the dim lighted street lights turned light blue, streaming through the roads and hearts of everyone who did not have the Holy Spirit within them. Jake's eyes widened, filled will fear. He screamed harder and louder than before. God, protect Alex, Jake and Taylor. Seth called out in his head. His own face filled with anxiety, sweat dripping down the sides of his face, mixing with the rain water. The lights flashed brightly, then went completely out. Seth was met by the noises of the IJA medical team coming down the road. The ambulance pulled up by the curb, splashing more water on the unmoving Taylor. Alex knelt down beside Taylor with the medics. Their white coats were soon soaked and Taylor was soon placed on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance. Seth and Alex sat in the back of the ambulance as it sped down the streets, quickly approaching the medical clinic. As soon as the ambulance pulled to a stop, Taylor was quickly carried out and whisked away through the doors of the medical clinic. As soon as the two of them entered the building, Seth took Alex to his office to wait.

Taylor's eyelids fluttered open. Her irises stung from the sudden bright light. Thunder rumbled outside her grey curtained window. Taylor took a deep breath and tried to sit up. Owe! Oh, my back hurts! Taylor grimaced. She slowly turned her head around the room. There was nobody there. Am I at the medical clinic again? Why am I here? ...I fell! Oh no! Where's Jake? Is he alright? Did I fall on him? Who was chasing me? Taylor quickly jumped out of bed, ignoring the cold floor and aching everywhere. She quickly grabbed a thin white robe which had been hung on the post of her bed, then hurried over to the door where there was a pair of slippers, which she slipped on. Taylor tried putting her finger tips on the pad next to the door to open it. How do I do this? She dropped her hand, frustrated, and the door popped open. Finally. She pulled the robe over her surprisingly dry clothes as she ran down the hall, towards where she remembered the stairs were, leading to Seth's office. She rounded corner after corner, finally coming to a set of stairs, however these ones were leading up, not down. How do I find my way out of this place? They probably put you in a different room than before. Don't they know that I can't tell my east from north? Ahh! Try going the opposite direction. Your bound to run into someone who can tell you the way to Seth's office sooner or later. Taylor spun on her heel and began running back the way she had come. Is Jake ok? If they found me, they found him, right? Or did that person following me take him? God, please let him be ok! Taylor sped around a corner and ran into what seemed to be a brick wall. Owe. Taylor backed up and found herself face to face with her superior. She let out a frustrated breath and gently rubbed her slightly sore nose.

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