Once they got there, Jason exited the car. "Hey, what the hell are you doing," Alison snapped to Jason as the other girls exited the car.

"I'm here to party? What does it look like?" Jason raised a brow as he slammed the car door shut and locked it. "You're not the only one who wants to party away all your troubles Ally," He said casually.

"Yeah, party, not get drunk. You can get drunk at home," Alison retorted fearlessly at Jason, taking a step toward her threateningly.

Jason wasn't falling for it and looked at her with a dark look in his eyes. And in that moment, it looked like he was going to do something to her. Hanna's eyes widened and Emily gasped. While Spencer and I were pretty uneasy about what will happen. while Alison just gave him a daring look, daring him to challenge her. Alison's signature look.

Jason turned away, not even answering her, dismissing her look, meaning she won. She had power over Jason. She got under his skin, but he wouldn't touch her. If he did, he would pay the price. Not a surprise, Alison always got what she wanted.

Alison turned around like nothing happened and gave the girls a sly smile. "Shall we?" She said gleefully.

The tension that was in the air before was dismissed and the girls cheered. I watched jason walk away but dismissed it and followed after Alison, who led the way into the party.

A party in which supposedly would be a fun time.

We all entered the party.

I remember dancing, with the girls, and with Noel for a bit.
I remember getting some punch.
I remember seeing Jason.

That's all I remembered...

*The next early morning*
The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes, was the bright light illuminating from the windows. My head pounded and I had to immediately close my eyes. God... what happened last night.

Did I...drink. No... I only had punch.... Oh my god, there was alcohol in there, wasn't there? It couldn't have been a lot.. I only had two glasses... or was it more?

The thoughts did not help my headache. All I could think was, my parents are going to kill me. After all, I'm 15 and I drank...alcohol.

The second I thought of my parents, I opened my eyes. I had to know where I was. Was I home? Was I over at one of my friend's houses? I couldn't remember. Did someone bring me home? Maybe Ally did.

The second I did, I looked around. I was in a room, on a bed to be exact. There were posters all over this room, clothes on the floor, a dresser with things scattered. The place reeked of intoxication, alcohol and air freshener. I could also tell it was a boys room. It definitely wasn't Mike's room though.

Then, it came to me.

The room, even with my pounding headache and vague memory, was familiar. Alison had sneaked us into this room once, only once. But I have walked past it enough times to recognize it.

I was in Jason DiLaurentis's room.

Wait...but if this is his room then where's... My thoughts trailed off as I looked next to me and saw him, Jason. He was sleeping, his face was towards me and I had to force myself to not scream.

He looked perfect. His hair was messy but the light from the window made his beautiful hair and skin look golden.

At that moment, I looked down at myself through the covers and became aware that I was naked. IShit. I started to get up, slowly, so I didn't wake up Jason. A million thoughts ran through my head. None of them good. I wasn't going to check... but I was pretty sure Jason was naked too. Inside I was panicking and totally lost on what to do. But I was trying so hard to stay calm.

I knew I should wake him up, but what would I say then. 'hey, I was drunk and so were you and I'm pretty sure we slept together...'

Then the thought sank in.

Holy Hell.

I slept with Jason DiLaurentis.

What would Alison do? What would she say?

No, this had to be a secret. I had to get out of here, now. Before his parents or Alison came in.

I saw my clothes on the floor and threw them on. I was thankful that Jason was such a heavy sleeper. All he did was sleep mostly, which is why the girls and I rarely ever saw him around. Either hanging out with his friends, or sleeping in his room. That and sometimes Alison threatened him, trying to keep him away from us Thinking of Jason made me nervous. What if we really did something? Maybe we didn't do anything. Maybe we just slept... maybe he wasn't drunk?

But I didn't believe it. It's not that I didn't have faith in Jason, but Alison was right about one thing, 95% of the time these days, Jason was either drunk or high. The other 5% being hungover and sleeping.

Besides, I wouldn't be here if he wasn't drunk. He would have brought me home. I was Alison's friend. He wouldn't try anything with me if he was sober. I was a lot younger than him.

After I got dressed I turned back to Jason sleeping peacefully. A part of me wanted to stay with him, but I knew better. How could I? If Alison came in then she would kill me. I might be shunned from the group. Worse, things would be weird between us. Though, now I don't know how I can even look at him after today.

I just sighed, picking up my phone that I found on his dresser, and was about to leave the room, my hand on the doorknob, when I stopped myself. If Alison was awake and I walked out of Jason's room... I didn't want this secret used against me. Even if she wasn't, if her parents were home, it would look just as bad.

I turned around, looking out the window. I looked down at the ground. It didn't look so high. There was also a tree I could maybe climb down. It was safer than going out the door.

I opened the window slowly and swung my leg over, reaching for the branch of the tree. I managed to get my legs wrapped around it and pushed myself off the window, swinging off into the tree to grasp it. My head nearly smacked against it, but luckily didn't. I looked back at the window, it was opened. That may look suspicious, but there was no way to close it.

I started to climb down the tree slowly, though it was mostly some sliding and I had no idea how to actually climb a tree.

I was so close, until I actually lost my grip and slide down, falling slat on my butt. I cursed under my breath, I looked at my hands that were red from the burn of sliding down.

I just got up quickly, wanting to get out of here before anyone, namly Alison, saw me, dusting myself off and ran down the street until Alison's house was gone from view.

I jogged until I was out of breath. My house was a good 6 blocks away from Alison's. I currently only jogged 4. I stopped to take a breath when a terrible thought came to me.

If we had sex then... Did we use protection?

Oh god.

I was not about to be on those shows for teenagers who are pregnant.

Okay... don't panic

Luckily there was a pharmacy nearby. I'll just take the morning after.

Yes, that's what I'll do.

I started walking to the Pharmacy.

But couldn't stop thinking... I couldn't believe

That I lost my V-card to Jason DiLarentis, my best friends brother.

My Best Friend's Brother (PLL: A Jaria story) Where stories live. Discover now