"If you want to help me then bring my child back to me" she yells

"You know I can't do that"

"Then I don't want your help, leave me alone!"

"Baby I'm not going anywhere, I'm your husband let me help, I know what you're going through and I want to be there for you. Please let me" Abdul pleads "we can either do this the easy way or the hard way you choose," he says after she didn't respond.

She rolled her eyes and took a deep sigh of defeat

"Good" Abdul breathes and he begins to undress her

Ahlam started therapy the next day and the two hours that the therapist sat with her in the living room she said nothing, not a single word came out of her mouth. The following day wasn't any better, they both sat there looking at each other and the days that came after that, Ahlam would just sit and wait for the session to get over and leave afterward, some days she doesn't even wait for the session to be over in order to leave and some days she just refuses to leave her bed.

Today is their ninth session and Ahlam isn't cooperative at all.

"Stop I said I don't want to go" she begins to sob

"You have to, it will help you... us" he whispered the us

"Is it going to bring back my child?" She asks

"No but.."

"Then I'm not going to do it," she says firmly

"Well you don't have a choice because the doctor ordered it and you will do it" he snaps back

She was surprised he used that tone on her because he has always been gentle with her except for now.

Abdul wheeled her to the living room "I have a meeting but I'll be back early. If you need anything just call me" he tells Ahlam who purposely ignored him but he knew that would happen, he took off leaving her with the therapist

"I can tell you're hurting but burying it all in won't do any good" the therapist says after Ahlam ignored her for the past forty five minutes

"And you think talking to you about my feelings will do good" Ahlam spoke for the first time on their session

"Yes, because I can help you and I'm glad you're talking."

"I DON'T NEED HELP! Can everyone stop saying that" she grits

"Okay but I need your help since you don't need mine"


"Anne" the therapist chips in

"Dr. Anne, I'm sure you're wonderful at what you do otherwise my husband wouldn't have hired you to come and warm our couch but I don't need your help. You can see yourself out when you're done" Ahlam says and presses the forward button for her wheelchair to move

Dr. Anne stood up "I understand what you're going through...." She begins but Ahlam cuts her off

"You have absolutely no idea what I'm going through, no one does so stop saying you understand because you don't" Ahlam raises her voice

"I'm sorry, you're right I don't understand but can you please help me understand then?" She gives Ahlam an empathetic look

Ahlam glanced at her then looked away

"I assure you that whatever we talk about stays between the two of us, I don't share confidential information with my patient's partners or family members, I only let them know if the patient is improving or not"

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