2019: A Space Oddity

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"Ground Control to Major Tom," crackles from the speaker in the capsule, but I ignore it, I'm not a fool.

In my flight check before launch, it's time to focus, and be staunch.

"Ground Control to Major Tom!"

I key the mic, frustrated now, and nervous too, "Ground Control, I read you."

"Remember to take your protein pills and put your helmet on."

This is it, I'll soon be gone. "Roger Control, I know, and everything is now a go."

"This is Ground Control, commencing countdown." And I go through my last check-down.

"Launch in T minus ten... nine... eight... seven... six..." Down the list, I make my ticks.

Engines, on. Ignition, check. I tremble now, an emotional wreck.

"...five... four... three..." Were Neil, Buzz, or Yuri as nervous as me?

Then finally I hear, as anxious as a teen before prom, "We have ignition. May God's love be with you, Major Tom."

The final "two... one, liftoff!" from the speaker is drowned out, and no one, including me, can hear my shout.

The rocket booster hurls me toward space as I nod, pressing me into my seat like the hand of God.

"This is Ground Control to Major Tom, the papers want to know whose shirts you wear, you've really made the grade!" Huh, maybe they'll even throw a parade...

After the long burn and things grow still, I look out the window, feeling ill. I'm sitting in a tin can, far above the world, zipping through space where I've been hurled.

But Planet Earth is so blue, and there's nothing I can do.

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still, for inside I know, my spaceship knows which way to go.

Soon, it's time to leave the capsule, if I dare, so I head outside and stare.

Planet Earth is so blue, and I tremble at the sight, but there's nothing I can do in this weightless, eternal, dark of night.

I pause, peering out, then key the mic once more, "This is Major Tom to Ground Control, I'm stepping through the door."

Out I leap, pulling the tether behind as I go, but... I'm floating in a most peculiar way, and the stars look very different today.

Planet Earth is so blue, and with a chilling look back, I realize too... there's nothing I can do.

"Ground Control, tell my wife I love her very much... She knows," I say, then switch off the radio to pray, as my unconnected tether and I... helplessly float away.

Planet Earth is so blue, and there's nothing I can do.

"Ground Control to Major Tom, your circuit's dead, there's something wrong! Can you hear me, Major Tom?"

Here am I, floating away from my tin can, far above the moon, thinking, it will all be over soon.

"Can you hear me, Major Tom?"

Planet Earth is so blue...

"Major Tom, can you hear me?"

... and there's nothing I can do.

2019: A Space OddityWhere stories live. Discover now