Chapter 49: Grinch

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"Give me that." Sarah-Jayne grabbed my phone from my hand. "I'm sorry Marls but Brody Morgan does not exist today."

"Tough love Marls. We don't need men."Lucy nodded.

"Luc no offence but you always have man." I laughed.

"True." She shrugged.

"But..." Sarah-Jayne interrupted. "The important thing is we don't need them."

They were right. Even if I didn't have a boyfriend I still had my girls and I was going to enjoy my day with them and every day I do have with them. Funny how Lucy and are are such good friends now who would have thought? It's weird but it works.

We pulled up at the mall and I prepared myself for the endless shopping that Lucy would induce me to. Deep breathes. I got this.

"So have you guys got all your Christmas presents sorted?" S-J asked as we entered the mall.

"Almost." I replied.

"Not even close." Lucy replied.

I had mostly everyone's presents apart from Brody's. I wanted to get him something really special but I somehow doubted that I could buy that in some generic store. I really had to think about it though. In the mean time I had something else in mind...

"Girls I need to do something. I'll catch up with you later." I said to them.

"But you don't have your phone." Sarah-Jayne reminded me.

"I'm sure by the time I'm finished you two will still be searching around forever 21." I laughed while waving at them and walking away.

I walked towards the hairdressers with something special in mind. When I walked in there was a perky male hairdresser ready to greet me.

"Hi I need a change." I smirked.

"Shelia stick on two cups of tea milk and sugar and keep them coming!" The hairdresser shouted into the back and welcomed me with open arms.

*****4 hours later*****

I stared at myself in the mirror but it wasn't me anymore. I was new and improved and I finally felt comfortable. In the last 4 hours I had lost 18inches of wavy brown hair and has changed for chestnut brown to icy grey with dark roots. My hair now fell just below my shoulders and I felt like a weight was lifted. I couldn't believe how quickly Milo the hairdresser managed to change my whole look and it was amazing! My whole life I have had normal long brown hair and now I have excited grey bouncy hair.

I needed this change and I felt like a new person. I couldn't wait for everyone to see it and hoped they loved it as much as I did.

I realised that I had took my time and the girls were probably worried sick so after I pod and thanked Milo I went to find them. It didn't take long before I found the girls in Topshop as Lucy was shopping for herself. They didn't recognise me from a distance so I tried to sneak up to them.

"Hey girls." I spoke making them jump and when they turned around they looked utterly shocked and surprised.

"Oh my god." S-J gasped. "Who are you and what have you done with Marls?"

"I needed a change." I shrugged. "So I donated 18inches of my hair to charity and changed the colour."

"You look hot!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I love it!" Sarah-Jayne squealed and hugged me.

"Wait how long were you gone for? It only felt like half an hour." Lucy said confused and Sarah-Jayne and I burst out laughing.

"My arms are going to fall off!" Sarah-Jayne cried as we strolled through the mall.

Now I still hadn't found anything for Brody. I didn't want to get him something basic, he deserved more. I had a few ideas in mind but wanted something special as well.

"I swear Lucy I'm going to need to go check in to A&E after this." Sarah-Jayne moaned and a lot went on inside my head.

"What did you just say?" I asked her.

"I need to go to A&E?" She repeated confused.

And then I got it.

"You are a genius S-J!" I exclaimed and kissed her forehead. "I'll meet you at Starbucks in an hour."


I strolled to Starbucks with my arms full of bags and a smile on my face. I had found Brody the most perfect presents and I was so excited for him to open them. I also happened to find something gorgeous to wear for tomorrow and grabbed a few more presents for other people.

I managed to find the girls again who were sitting down to a coffee so I joined them.

"You look happy." Lucy observed.

"I'll be even happier when we get home." I laughed.

"Yes please let's go." Sarah-Jayne begged.

"Look who's being a grinch now." I poked her and she gave me a death glare.

"Okay let's go before S-J explodes." Lucy laughed as we all stood up together.

We all hurried to get back to the Callaghan house so we could relax and spend time with the boys. When we got there none of the other boys cars were there, just the Callaghan boys and Tyler.

I wondered where there all were because we all agreed to meet here and get food and watch a movie. The boys would never cancel plans. I didn't understand.

When we got into the house I put all my bags in the room then rejoined my family and the girls in the kitchen. All the Callaghan boys were here apart from Jake who I assumed was with the other boys. They all stared at me in shock and I remembered that my hair was different.

"Wow Marls. You look amazing!" Tyler exclaimed.

"What made you change it?" Marty asked.

"I donated my hair to charity, there are people who need it more than me and I was ready for a change." I shrugged.

"You're amazing." Jeremy kisses my head.

"Where's Jake? And the others?" I asked.

"They got caught up with something. Last minute shopping I think." Zayn replied.

That doesn't shock me. Those boys were never organised.

"Yeah we have to head out too sorry Marls." Lucy told me.

"Yeah have to go wrap. We'll see you tomorrow." Sarah-Jayne hugged me then her and Lucy dashes our before I could say anything.

Everyone was just flaking on me now when I wanted to enjoy this Christmas.

"Cheer up Marls you still have us." Matt perked up and hugged me then all the other boys joined in.

Right now I was lucky and I thanked god for what I did have. This Christmas would be hard for everyone. Ty wouldn't have mum and dad either and none of the Callaghan boys had their mum. We were all suffering but we had each other and that was enough.

"Grinch." Matt spoke up.

"Everyone needs to stop calling me that!" I exclaimed getting frustrated.

"No Marls. Let's watch the grinch it's Christmas Eve tradition." Matt reminded me.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled and hugged in to my boys.

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