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(Unfun warning: Jake is /heavily/ out of character. I'm sorry-)

Albert lay down on a bed, sleeping. He was bandaged heavily, though blood seeped through the layers of gauze. A frantic G0Z paced the room. Something had went wrong while he had tried to fix the wounds. The anesthesia was successful to knock out Albert so G0Z could treat the wounds. However, something happened when G0Z left the room to get Neosporin for the smaller scratches. When he came back, the smaller and insignificant 'wounds' were bleeding heavily.

Albert's eyes shot open as his breathing grew quick. He looked around, not able to sit up or move. Quite quickly, he realised he couldn't see out of one eye. He heard G0Z pacing around and looked to him. G0Z looked as worried as he was.

"Oh, Father Sun, what happened? How does he keep getting injured? What can I do to help him?" G0Z was speaking a bit quietly and seemed to be in a bit of distress. But.. who was Father Sun? Was it the voice who spoke to Albert in the forest and before he woke up? Hey.. wait a minute. That's right! The voice from the forest spoke to Albert a bit, but it was distorted. From how strange it sounded, Albert was actually unsure...

"Be ca----l of who you ---w and who you trust. I -----ed once th---gh their po------e thoughts and e---d up as a m-----r"

Albert thought it was as weird as it sounded when he woke up. And speaking of waking up... since when did he actually sleep properly? What was the correlation? Was there even a correlation? Hm...


There was a crashing noise outside, making G0Z snap out of his thoughts. He looked at Albert, worried. But, Yukc0 shouting caught his attention again. G0Z sighed softly and left the small 'operating' room to check out the commotion.

"-MY FRIEND YOU WEIRD OLD LOOKING CLOWN PERSON" A brown haired mad lad was being held back by Yukc0 while Z00ZY tried to pull him away. Z00ZY was a small boi though, so he couldn't do much. Louie, at least, was watching Z00Z from the brown haired fellow. G0Z quickly took action to calm everyone down.

"Where is he?!"

"Where is who?" G0Z asked, taking Louie away before he could ruin more of the already messy hair.

"Albert! Who else!"

"Albert is in stable condition! No need to worry!" To be honest, G0Z wasn't sure if this was true.

"Stable condition? If he was in a stable condition, he would have called me back! Or at least texted!" This guy had a point. G0Z realised this, but didn't really know what to do about it.

However, before G0Z could respond, the brunette (least favorite adjective) lad pushed away YUKC0 and went to the only room with the door open. Albert looked over to the door, seeing his friend. He looked to the heavily gauzed Albert and was kept silent from the blood still seeping through.

-Time skip cause Rus doesn't know wtf to type, my apologies-

Albert had been knocked out again by both the previous anesthesia and the bumpy ride from the CITS to a hospital. When he woke, the bright ass white colour around him made him groan slightly in pain. It burned his eyes, as the lights reflected from the white room into his already drowsy eyes. He wasn't used to being able to sleep for a good while. Albert was actually able to move now, though, so that was an improvement.

There was a slight movement from the figure by the side of the hospital bed he was apparently on. Albert looked to his side, finding a window and a sleeping Jake who seemed to be on a Skype call with his girlfriend. There was a lot to take in. Last thing he could fully remember with his senses ("sorry, random voice who keeps hurting me, you don't count") was walking with G0Z into the office.

Albert grumbled, disliking all the mysteriee shrouding his mind. Who sent the box? What did the latin note say? What keys was that other note talking about? Who broke into his house to put away the box? Who did that strange voice belong to? Where did all these injuries come from? Why was Jake here? Where was G0Z? What was the story behind his name of Annie? What did that stranger voice say? When did he get in a hospital? There was one good thing about this chaos though... he was finally getting a good amount of sleep!

And speaking of sleep, he was awake at an odd time. 1:43 AM. Albert wasn't tired at all from his surplus of sleep so he stared at the ceiling. He would have tried to wake his friend, but he couldn't feel anything from the neck down. Plus, he hadn't had anything to drink for two days, so his throat was kinda dry. No screeching like a goddamn demon today, sorry.

Albert sighed, wanting something to drink and wanting to do something. He closed his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep. Which worked, eventually.

The early morning brought a new wave of pain as the sense of feeling in his body returned. Apparently, the doses of anesthesia from the doctors here and G0Z was finally wearing off completely. Albert writhed, able to (unfortunately) finally feel the immense pain of wounds bone deep open wounds. The not-quite-so-quiet calls showing the sudden and excruciating pain woke up Jake. In worry for his friend, Jake called for a nurse or doctor. A young looking nurse, Saki, rushed in to assist the situation.

"Okay- Uhm... It seems he can feel his pain now? Uhm... Pain killers should help some, but I'll have to get Dr. Moetsin in to help afterwards." Saki went to find some type of painkiller, which was similar to Advil but stronger, and some water so Albert's pain would die down at least a bit. Saki went to Albert's side, fully aware of Jake's worried watch over the blonde lad.

((A/N: Sorry for the wait))

Comforting, somehow. | G0Z X Albert Where stories live. Discover now