"Will you tell me what happened?" Hailey asked.

I scooped up my pajamas, ignored her question, and went to go change in the bathroom. Hailey followed close behind, and stuck her foot in the doorway just as I tried to close it. She opened the door, even though I was trying to slam it in her face.

"What do you want?" I asked, giving up on the door.

Her eyes softened at my tone. Even I could here how defeated my voice sounded. I clutched tighter onto my towel, wishing I could just dissolve into the material.

"Don't pretend like there is nothing going on. I want to know what happen? Did you and Jace break up? Ever since that night you came back from meeting Jace you have been depressed. You look sick more often than not, and everyone is worried about you."

Every time she said his name I flinched, and felt like I was going to throw up. I tried to shove the door shut again, but she was much stronger than me.

"Could you please just leave me alone?" I begged.

"Not until you tell me what happen," she demanded.

"Just leave it alone, ok?" I asked.

"Emily is worried about you. Mia refuses to leave her room now. Abby, Liz, Chloe, and even Jenna are afraid you will do something bad. And I'm... I'm really worried about you. You're supposed to be our ball of energy in the room. Now you're... you're just not. It almost feels like we are all walking on eggshells around you."

"Well I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I can't be a ball of energy all the time. I also deserve to have a down period in my life, especially after..." I trailed off into silence.

"Please just tell me! Bottling it all up isn't going to do you any good. It's just doing harm. Please, I only want to help."

"Could I please just get dressed?" I pleaded.

"Not until you tell me what happen."

"Fine! I was stupid and naive. I believed I could actually put my trust in somebody else, without getting hurt. I trusted the wrong person, just like my mind always warned me, and I got hurt. That's what I get, and now I've learned my lesson. Happy?" I asked.

Hailey was biting her bottom lip, and her brows furrowed in sadness.

"I'm sorry," She apologized. There was a pause of silence, where neither of us spoke, but just dwelled in our own thoughts.

"I saw how happy he made you, but don't let him get the better of you."

"I'm trying," I whispered, with tears in my eyes. I closed the door, and Hailey didn't resist this time.

I leaned against the door, and slid to the ground; pajamas still clutched in my hands. I buried my face in them, and just let myself cry. Cry for one last time, because after this time I would take Hailey's advice. Direct my emotions away from the sadness.

I wouldn't let myself suffer over what he had done to me. Yes it was my fault for ever trusting him, but I had no idea that would be the outcome of placing my trust in someone else.

It was so easy deceive me, because I was so desperate for affection after my family gave up on me. I was tired of always fighting and directing my hate at the person who was meant to love me unconditionally. So the instant he showed a bit of love I sucked it all up, and believed him wholeheartedly.

He was the one that had lied and deceived me. It was unfair on my part. It wasn't fair I was breaking apart, and trying to pick myself up while he was probably adoring over Keila. I was just a chapter in his life that he would never look back on.

I wiped away the tears from my cheeks, and at that moment decided he wasn't worth my tears. I wasn't going to allow myself to suffer anymore over someone who wasn't even shedding a tear over me.

I came down to dinner after I changed, but not before stopping to gather Mia from her room. She leaped into my arms when she saw me. She knocked both of us to the ground, because I wasn't too steady on my feet. Then the two of us went down to dinner together. I forced myself to eat, like I always did, even though the nausea ceased my hunger. I knew I needed my strength if I wanted to continue training.

Throughout the entire meal I could feel Emily's burning stare at the back of my head as Mia spoke rapidly about everything under the sun to me. I made sure Mia ate even through her continuous talking. It felt good to do something useful. I felt lighter, now that I was no longer allowing myself to suffocate in the hole that ripped at my chest. Now that I was no longer letting Jace control my life.

Sorry its short. Hope you all enjoyed! Let me know what u think

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