Now I Know

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"Let's break up.", he coldy said without looking at you. You trying to search him in the eyes, trying to find the lies but not to avail because he was avoiding you. You grabbed him by his shoulder and asked him to look at you.

"You're joking, right?", you asked him, trying to hold yourself from crying. He slapped your hand away and looked into your eyes.

"I said, let's break up! Was it too hard to understand or you're too stupid for yourself?", he harshly said. You were taken back by his words and took a few step back. He then looked away again, obviously not wanting to see your face.

"Hyunwoo...", you calls and you were shaking.

Hyunwoo scoffed and walked away from you, leaving you behind with sadness. You can't move your feet to chase him at all. All you could do was staring at him who was began to fade away from your sight. When you no longer see him, you broke down and cries out loud not caring at all if people were looking at you.

Slowly, you stood up and walked away from the place. You felt really weak because of the painful broken heart that Hyunwoo had caused. You brought your hand to your chest and tightly clutched it. You were unfamiliar with the pain because this is the first time you deal with your own broken heart. All this time, it was your friends.

Now, you know what it feels like. You feel your stomach churn and it feels like so hard to breath even though you were breathing fine.

You wonder what mistake had you commited that made Hyunwoo decided to break up with you. You both were okay three days ago and you both had fun. You didn't see this is coming because everything is perfectly fine.

"Oh my God!", your brother gasped at your miserable state. You were wet and crying. Not to mention that your make up was ruined. Luckily you didn't apply a heavy make up or you probably looked like an idiot. However, you really don't give a shit about how you look right now.

"What happen to you?", he asked as he pulled you inside of the house. You lived alone with your older brother, Hyungwon ever since your father died when you were in high school. Your mother had died long time ago because of cancer.

"What did I do?", you softly said, not looking at your brother.

"What are you talking about?", he asked, confused.

"Am I a bad person?", she asked again, not answering her brother's question.

"Did something bad happen", he took a seat beside you and give you a warm hug. That's when you broke down in his arm, again. You don't know why but everytime you think about what Hyunwoo had said to you, you feel the pain again and you feel like breaking down once again.

You cried so hard on your brpther. He couldn't do anything but to hug you and comfort you.

After a few minutes, you seems to calm down and you began to let go of your brother.

"Ahhooo...", he sighed when he saw how swollen your face was. He brought his slim fingers to your face and wipe all your remain tears. Now, mind to tell me what happen?", he asked.

"Hyunwoo...", you paused. "He broke up...with me.", you said, half-whispered. Again, Hyungwon brought you in his arms and hugged you tight.

"I'm here with you. I'll be always here by your side.", he said. "You need anything, just find me. Okay?", he added and you nods.

"I want to meet Hyunwoo again, tomorrow.", you said as you losen the hug. Your brother give you a look, obviously disagree with you. "I'm sorry Hyungwon, I couldn't help with it.", you paused. "Please, this will be the last time. I just...want to see him for the last time."

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