Chapter 2

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[Your POV]

I slowly open my computer and open my video chat account. Without a minute to do anything I get a call from Kirto.

I click pick up.

"Hey (Y/N), did you see the news cast for SAO"

"Yes, this is insane but, at least we know the basics"

"Hey, I'm going on right now I'll see you there" He smiled

"Bye" I giggled and press the hang up button.

I spines in my chair until I got dizzy. I hopped up and went to my bed. I punt on my nerve gear and took a deep breath and "Link Start".

( You guys know the routine)

The welcoming screen of Sword Art Online.

Man, I missed this so much! I quickly stretch and yawned, I slowly walk to the centered of The Town of Begging. I slowly fixed (Choice of amor) and my sword. Then, I looked around and then I noticed people looking at me but, I did the death glare to scare them away.

I wonder around my hearts content and then I stop at the water fountain. I looked in the fountain seeing my reflection. I fixed my avatar's hair and started to look at myself. How could I be so boring, I thought. Then, a girl came to me "Miss, can you help me" she asked.

I turn to see a girl with blonde hair with brown eyes, wearing beginner amor. "Yes, what can I help you with" I asked her with a small smile.

"I need help and I was wondering if you would help me defeat a monster" she whispered.

"Sure, I would love to" I grinned while grabbing her hand. I started to sprint and started to her the girl laugh. I ran to see where I saw boars and stop. "Okay,...." I stop because I didn't know her name.

"Lucy" she smiled and I looked at her.

"Okay Lucy, we attack by using our sword skill and you'll know by the feeling" I giggled. For a moment I stood still letting the system go through my body . I wanted to make sure my taking was perfect.




I leaped toward the boar and use my sword and cut through it making each second each moment thrilling. I smiled when I was done you wanna try I asked. "Can you do it again" she ask as I blushed.

"Sure" I giggled. Then suddenly out of nowhere a blue light surround me. I looked around and see where I was before. I quickly looked at Lucy which was staring at the sky. Then, I heard a terribly beeping sound and saw warning sings were painted across the sky.

Then slowly like blood leaving a cut then slowly appeared a man... A man who brings sadness and death.

















I hope you enjoyed

Love ya,

Heart-Chan <3

A World That Means Nothing (Kirito X Reader) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now