Day of misunderstanding

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Siddhant entered from office expecting his cute wife to rush towards him with a smile on her face showing the missing feelings of the day time without him with a tight hug and couple of kisses on his cheeks running her soft fingers on his hairs which makes him forget all the tensions he face in the office the whole day. Siddhant cup her face to look into her beautiful face and move towards her lips for a long kiss. These are their usual evening for months together at the time of his arrival from office missing her wife the whole day.

But that day none of these happened. Siddhant was searching for her and found her in the balcony talking to someone in the phone. On seeing her handsome husband she just shared a smile and moved towards kitchen to continue her talk leaving siddhant upset.

Siddhant changed his dress & was waiting for cup if tea which too did not arrive for long. He himself went down to see her while she was still in her phone sitting in the dining table's chair. She not even noticed her love is looking for her.

Siddhant just returned to his room angrily. Roli was still in the phone unknown of the impact she left on his mind.

Siddhant returned from his bitter day's memory being disturbed by a phone call. He picked up & found it to be wrong call. He gave a weird smile and lean on the sofa without even interested to change his dress...

Roli had her dinner under compeltion of their family members a little and moved to terrace to get some open air which may relax her grief.  

Even after her multiple tries to hide her tears she at last failed and the tears were rolling over her cheeks.  

Roli sat in a corner leaning on the terrace wall wrapping her hands around his knees and rest her head on her knees.  She slowly closed her eyes.

Roli was facing turmoil inside her with multiple thoughts taking her here & there.  Her heart was crying.  The thoughts were carrying her away to that night which she never expected to happen in her wonderful life she was spending with her Siddhant.

Roli prepared the dinner after his long conversations over the phone as she know her Siddhant may feel hungry.  She scold herself for not even giving him the cup of coffee or tea after his return from the office.  But thought of serving dinner directly as it was already time for that.

Roli arranged the food in the table and went to call her Siddhant to come for dinner unaware of he is annoyed.  

Roli hold his shoulder with love 'Siddhant, lets have dinner it is ready'  she said.

Siddhant shock his shoulder to remove her hands from him and went down without sharing any words with her towards dining table leaving Roli shocked on his behaviour.

Puzzled ROli too went down to start their dinner and the dinner went in complete silence unlike other days where ROli used to feed him and he too feed him back.  They share eyelocks and have food gazing at each other.  Their heart will be filled in love before the stomach.

Siddhant will not even let her to do cleaning works after dinner and take her in his strong arms all the way to their bedroom and put her on the bed.  He lay down beside her and pull her more closer and closer.  Roli too will not disappoint his wish and join his shoulder for a tight hug which will be continued with exchanges of kisses for very long and prolong until they get lost on each other sharing sweet moments inside the blanket forgetting anything else in the world.

But none of them happend on that fateful day.  Siddhant neither look at her not tried to even talk to her.  He just marched towards their room finishing his part of Dinner.

Roli was worried thinking whether he is upset or in tension or something that sort of but was never knowing the actual reason behind his sudden behavior.

Roli thought of giving him some time to get relax and continued her kitchen cleaning works for some time and slowly tiptoed towards their room.

Siddhant was reading some book which is again never seen by Roli all these days since their marriage as he always wish to spend his time at home only with his love.

Roli sat beside him and lean on his shoulders and hold his hands tightly.

Siddhant forward his hands to remove her hands around his and got up from that place towards the balcony.

Roli was unable to even think about that incident above this and just got up from terrace & rushed towards her room.  She jumped to her bed upside down and started crying holding the pillow tightly...

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