I doubt to be fit

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Siddhant went to washroom to take a bath & returned in few minutes wrapping a towel around his waist.  He went near the mirror to comb his hair.  He was missing the image of Roli which used to reflect in the mirror when he come back having a shower.  The beautiful moments they enjoy together in front of mirror.  He smirk thinking how ROli used to admire him through the mirror.  The mirror seems to look dull without the beautiful image of his love.


Siddhant just changed his dress and came down.  His stomach was creating sound asking him to put some food to it.  He did not eat anything the previous day night too as he was not interested to have anything alone.

Siddhant went to kitchen.  But he was missing the hot cup of tea & the breakfast which used to be ready in the kitchen when he come down getting ready to office.  The kitchen was filled with complete silence other than the vibration & sound created by the fridge.

SIddhant opened the fridge to see what is inside while the fridge showed it is only empty.  Siddhant missed to buy any milk or vegetables or bread the previous day.  It is quite obvious as he is not used to all those shopping which is normally taken care by Roli.

Siddhant closed the fridge irritated and he was very hungry.  He is not the person who is used for starving without food even once in a while.  Now for the past 2 days, he is not even taking food on time and even skip the snack ...

Siddhant took the car key & moved towards his car.  He decided to have some food on the way in some hotel.  After few minutes drive, he reached a hotel.  He parked his vehicle and went inside.  He ordered for some breakfast without any interest & just for the sake of filling his stomach and stop its cry.

The food was placed by the server on the table.  Siddhant started having it.  None of the food was tasty for him after eating the food prepared by ROli.  He praise her food preparation which always used to be tasty.

Siddhant express with a smile  ' Roli, i doubt to be fit in coming days'

'Why you say so?' Roli interrogate.

Siddhant answers 'If you prepare food so delicious then i cant control myself and eat more which automatically result me to gain few pound & inches'

Roli look pleased while Siddhant hold her hands to kiss on her knuckle as an acknowledgement of accepting that her hands makes magic in cooking.

Siddhant was disrupt by the Server who asked for the next order.  He nod his head as 'No' and collected the bill.  He paid it and returned to his car to continue his journey to his office...

While driving Siddhant himself was thinking atleast Roli is happy there in Delhi at her mother's house.

At Delhi..

Roli was having food when she got her food struck while eating.  

Her mother expressed ' May be someone is thinking of you this moment'

ROli replied 'Who i got to think about me?'  

Telling this ROli went to wash her hands as she was no more interested to have food.  ROli went to her room and lay down on her bed in deep thinking.  She was wondering what Siddhant might have had for breakfast.  She was thinking, my mother is telling someone is thinking about me instead i was the one who was eating thinking about him.  Where he will even think of me?

Roli's parents & her sister Simar decided to give her some time to let her come out of her mental agony by herself.  But Simar was insisted by her mother to take her out post lunch so that she can get some relaxation instead of being inside the room itself.  Simar accepted that.

Roli was crying on the bed in the room of her parent's house at Delhi while Siddhant was at office trying to hide his grief from the eyes of colleagues...

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