Chapter 35

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The car ride home was silent. Max tried to get the boys to talk but he only got one worded answers for the most part. He took the hint and stopped asking questions.

Niall was curled up on Harry's lap as the car smoothly guided up each street. Usually Max was really strict about wearing a seatbelt and everything but today he made an exception.

Max pulled up in front of the house and sighed as he shut off the engine. "Guys, I know you don't feel like talking and I know today took a huge toll on you but try to cheer up a little and try to look on the bright side. Everything turned out to be okay and most importantly... you two are still together. I bet this made you guys even closer."

Both Niall and Harry knew Max was right but they were too upset and overwhelmed to realize it. Harry's lip twitch up a little as an attempt to smile. "Thanks Max... for everything."

Harry helped Niall out of the car and up to the front door. He knocked on the door and rang the door bell but no one answered. Harry rolled his eyes as he dug in his pocket to look for his key. He unlocked the door and allowed the boy to step inside then he followed suit.

The house was silent which only meant one of two things. No one is home or they're sleeping. Harry frowned, they can't all be sleeping can they? The two removed their shoes and made their way up the stairs. All the bedroom doors were closed except for one. Liam's room. Harry gently knocked on the door and pushed it all the way open. He smiled slightly at the sight in front of him. The news played quietly on the television but no one was up to watch it. Aurora was fast asleep surrounded by Zayn, Liam, and Louis- who were also fast asleep.

That brought a smile to Niall's face. Liam's bed is huge but they're still pilled up on top of one another. Harry gently shut the door and softly ran his hand down the boy's arm. He pecked his lips. "What do you feel like doing love? Are you hungry?"

Niall nodded. He didn't eat breakfast and the events today took a lot longer than he expected. Harry grabbed the boy's hand and led him down the stairs and into the kitchen. The man knew what to make the boy without even having to ask. Niall hopped up onto the counter and sighed.

Harry glanced at the boy then back at what he was doing. "You wanna talk about today?"

Niall shrugged not really knowing what to say. "I-I couldn't stop crying... I was so scared.." Harry sighed as he placed the pan on the stove. He went and stood in between the boys legs. He pressed his forehead against Niall's and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "You didn't trust me..." Niall sighed and he wrapped his arms around the older man's neck. "I just didn't want them to take you away from me. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

They embraced for a few more minutes and shared a couple of kisses. "No more sadness Niall. We're okay now."

Harry turned back to the stove and continued to prepare the boy's meal.


Zayn glanced over at Harry who had his head in Niall's lap. Something was off...? Harry had a very distant look in his eyes. Niall noticed it too. The boy ran his fingers through the man's hair and leaned down to kiss his nose. "Haz what's wrong?" Harry shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "I wanna go to bed."

Niall frowned, "no Haz we're supposed to go to Party City tonight to pick out our costumes with everyone." Harry sighed, he wasn't sure what exactly has gotten into him but he wasn't in the mood. He just couldn't shake the heavy feeling in his heart, the stuff the detective said to him just really stuck in his head. "Ni I wanna stay home. You can go with them if you want."

Niall shook his head and kissed the man's temple. "No. We're not going without you. We can go tomorrow if you're really not up to it."

Harry felt weak and tired. Usually he was the strong one but right now he wanted to just cuddle the boy and watch movies. He looked up at his boyfriend and gave his best puppy face. "Ni can we go upstairs and cuddle and watch movies." Niall chuckled. He is such a big baby.

Harry stood to his feet and grabbed the boy's hand. He bid goodnight to Aurora and his best mates and led the blonde haired boy upstairs. Niall smirked to himself as dirty thoughts entered his mind. He wanted to make Harry feel good and make him forget about the events that took place today.

Entering the bedroom, Niall pushed the older man onto the bed and slowly made his way over to him. He placed his hands on the older man's chest and slowly dragged them down to the small bulge in his pants. Harry quickly sat up and grabbed Niall's hands in his. "Niall love not tonight. I'm-" He sighed. "I'm not in the mood. Can we please just cuddle and then sleep."

Niall frowned. "Haz I wanna make you feel good."

Harry smiled and kissed the lad's knuckles. "You always make me feel good. You just being in the room makes me feel good." With that Harry got under the covers and sighed as his head made contact with the pillow. Niall pouted . "Haz come on... don't be like that." Niall leaned in and pressed his lips against Harry's. He loved the feeling it gave him. He reached under the covers and unbuttoned the man's slacks. He reached in the man pants and palmed his growing bulge. Harry groaned as he felt himself become rock hard. "Nialler please... stop."

Niall stopped immediately and looked up at his boyfriend. "You don't want me...?

Harry took a deep breath trying to control his body and this thoughts. "I do want you believe me... but just not tonight."

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