Chapter 2

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Aurora loved bath time. She was able to play with her toys and just be herself. Playing with her toys made her happy.

The small girl hummed a tune to herself as her master poured strawberry shampoo into her long hair. She didn't like her hair. It was too much of a bother. She asked her master several times if she could get it cut but he always tells her that her hair is just too beautiful to shorten.

Master on the other hand.... he wasn't really focused on his sub's hair.

He had other things on his mind.

"Pet." He said as he gently massaged the sub's scalp. He didn't wait for her response. He never did. "I have to go back to work tomorrow." Just as he envisioned, the girl pouted.

"But master you promised that you would stay with me this week since I'm off from school."

He frowned. He most certainly did say that. But he is falling behind on so much paperwork back at the office. He has three meetings tomorrow that he previously scheduled and just couldn't get out of it. The outcome of these meetings can either make or break his company. He had to attend.

"Pet, I know what I said. Things came up and I have to go. I don't want to discuss this any more."

Knowing better then to argue with her master, the young girl fought back her tears and nodded. "Yes sir."

The silence became thick between the two and bath time soon came to an awkward end. Aurora wanted to beg her master to stay home but she was terrified that he would punish her for it. She adored her master and she loved his company. He always made her feel safe and wanted. She loved that about him. Whenever she's in a bad mood she can just walk into the room and he knew exactly what to do to make her feel better. She always hates when he goes to work. He's gone all day and he doesn't even call to check up on her and see if she is okay. She gets so lonely.

She frowned at the thought of him leaving tomorrow. He told her... promised her actually... that he would stay with her the entire week. He never goes back on his word. She wondered what was so important.

Master wrapped the towel around Aurora's small frame and planted a delicate kiss on her temple. The girl knew he was about to get her dressed and ready for bed.

She wanted alone time.

"Master, may I speak freely."

He nodded grabbing the hair dryer off the shelf. "Proceed."

The scared girl sighed and twiddled with her fingers. "U-Um can I um.... is it okay if I finish up by myself?" She was too afraid to look at him so she kept her head down. Her master was surprised at what just came out of her mouth but he quickly composed himself with a serious look. A part of him knew that this was going to happen. She always gets like this when he has to leave. He sighed, "Rora, are you just acting this way because of my previous statement to you?" The young girl slowly nodded trying her best to keep her tears at bay. She wanted to prove to her master that she was strong.

Reading his sub's thoughts, he sighed. Again. Being a vampire has its perks but this was always hard for him. Hearing Aurora's thoughts always takes a large toll on master because majority of the time her thoughts are always negative and depressing.

Master ran his fingers through his dark hair. He saw the tears welling up in his sub's eyes. His heart broke. Ever since that incident at her school, she's been so clingy. Master enjoys how attached she's gotten but he has other responsibilities that need to be taken care of.

Pulling his submissive close to his body, he pecked her lips. "Rora baby please don't cry. I don't want to leave you. I swear I don't but master has a lot of work to catch up on." The sobbing girl buried her face into her master's chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. "M-Master I-I don't want t-to be here alone. Please don't go." Master shook his head. "Baby please calm down. I-"

"Master can I come to work with you. Pretty please."

Master pushed her question to the side and proceeded to blow dry his sub's hair.

"Masterrrrr" The young girl whined. He shook his head instantly silencing her. "I'll think about it."

With that said master finished taking care of Aurora and smiled lovingly as she did a little twirl in front of the mirror. "I go pick movie. Yes?" Her master frowned. What? He nodded scratching the back of his head. "Y-Yeah hun go ahead. I'll be right down."

Master frowned. What was that about?

Master face palmed as the whole ddlg information flooded back into his memory. Damnit. "Her headspace," he murmurs to himself.

He didn't want this. This was not a good sign.

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