Chapter 34

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Max walked ahead of the boys as he followed the detective into the elevator. Eddie stepped in first making sure to check everything- just in case. Everyone stepped into the elevator. The tension in the tiny space was thick. The boys were so nervous.

They rode the elevator to the eighth floor. Detective Snow led the boys down the long hallway. Niall tightened his grip on Harry's hand as a chill ran down his spine. They approached two doors that were opposite each other, beside the door was a large window.

"Okay gentlemen. Good luck. Harry styles is in this room on the left and Niall Horan is on the right. The doctor will be in after all the questions have been answered."

Harry took a deep breath and kissed Niall's forehead. "See you later Nialler." Niall shook his head keeping a tight hold on the older man. "H-Haz noo..."

Harry smiled sadly and cupped Niall's face in between his large hands. "Babe you can't do this now. No more crying. You have to be strong for me love." With that he pecked the Irish lad's lips and sent him off to the other room. He watched him go inside before he opened the door to his assigned room.

A man with a round belly stood to his feet when he saw Harry enter the room. He held out his hand. "Good afternoon Mr. Styles. I'm detective Benson." He pointed to the bulky police officer in the corner. "That's officer Grey. He's here in case you don't cooperate. I won't have any problems if you won't." The detective shuffled through some papers and cleared his throat. "Alright Mr. Styles... how old are you?"

"Twenty three."

The man nodded as she read over some documents. "It says here that you have a history of anger issues. Is that correct?"

Harry hesitated. He hasn't had an outburst in years, all of that is in the past. He's better now.

Detective Benson rolled his eyes. "This isn't going to work if you don't answer me Mr. Styles."

Harry sighed and sat up straighter in his seat. "Yes sir. Um... that is correct but it was a long time ago." The detective wrote something down on his notepad. "And you're dating Niall Horan correct?" Harry nodded. "Yes sir."

Again, he wrote something down. He rubbed his hand over his face as he continued, "How long have you two been together... you guys are still together right?"

"Yes sir. Its been a little over two years."

The man hummed a response but didn't speak for a second. He flipped to another paper, "are you two living together?"

Again, Harry nodded. "Yes sir."


Harry shook his head, "no sir. Niall and I live with our best mates."

The detective's eyes widened, "I'm surprised this report is just coming in. Are they around when you put your hands on your boyfriend?"

A sharp pain crawled into Harry's chest as he furrowed his eyebrows. "I have never put my hands on my boyfriend. Ever."

The man didn't say anything. He interlaced his fingers and stared Harry directly in the eyes. "Alright Styles cut the bull. Do you get good laughs putting your hands on him. Does it make you feel powerful or dominant to see him cry?"

Harry shook his head and took several deep breaths trying to steady his breathing. "I don't hit him. I would never do that to anyone. I love him... more than anything."

Detective Benson smirked as he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. "You expect me to believe that? We don't just get random false reports here Mr. Styles. Someone must have saw something. Maybe a bruise or... a black eye... a broken arm..?"

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