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"Whipped? What the bloody hell does whipped even mean? I am not whipped

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"Whipped? What the bloody hell does whipped even mean? I am not whipped. I just care deeply about a-a friend is all. Whipped. What a stupid term-"

"Remus? Are you... Are you talking to yourself?"

Remus spun around in his seat. Currently, he was ditching his prefect runs after curfew and decided on sitting in the kitchen with his mind spinning over James Potter's words back at the Black Lake while he ate a slice of chocolate cake. Apparently, another Prefect had the same idea because there stood Cameron Flores in all of her glory. Her hair pulled back with her wand and her Hufflepuff uniform shining brightly yellow. 

"C-Cameron," Remus stammered, caught off guard by the girl's sudden appearance. "T-Talkinng to myself? Pft! No."

"Then who were you talking to?" 

Cameron was answered with silence and she snorted as she skipped over to Remus and took the seat next to him. A house elf, whose name was Winky, placed a slice of vanilla cake in front of her since Cameron was a regular that visited the Hogwarts kitchen house elves late at night during her prefect runs nearly every night. Remus watched in amusement as she quickly shoved a forkful of cake into her mouth and then scooped up another forkful and held it out, offering it to Remus. He declined since he had his own cake but she pushed and he begrudgingly opened his mouth and let her feed him the sweet vanilla cake.

"Hm," Remus hummed. "Still not as good as chocolate."

"Lies," Cameron teased before eating another bite of her cake. "But no changing the subject. Who were you talking to? Was it Peeves? He's not supposed to be down here in the kitchen. I swear if he starts terrorizing my first years I'll have to have a word with him."

"No," Remus laughed as Cameron's genuine concern of Peeves The Poltergeist being in the kitchens near the Hufflepuff common room. "Peeves isn't here, Rommy. You caught me, I was talking to myself."

"I knew it!" Cameron laughed as she playfully shoved Remus' arm. "You freak!"

The two laughed and teased each other back and forth. After a few minutes of teasing the two sat in comfortable silence, Cameron softly humming a tune as she kicked her feet above the ground and ate her cake while Remus ate his cake and tapped his fingers on the counter to the beat of the tune Cameron hummed. What Remus was talking about before Cameron walked in rang in her brain and she felt a smile tug at her lips as she turned and faced him.

"So," Cameron dragged out. "Is a certain Gryffindor prefect whipped for a gal?"

Remus choked on his cake.

Cameron laughed as Remus' reaction and patted his back as he coughed, his face bright red as he looked over at her with wide brown eyes. Cameron giggled at him and raised an eyebrow.

"W-What?" Remus stammered after he had calmed down.

"Well," Cameron shrugged as she ate a forkful of her cake. "You were talking about being whipped when I walked in and usually that describes a person when they have strong feelings for someone. So, who is the lucky lady?"

CHOCOLATE [1] | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now