1.Meeting Kakuzu

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Your clan were different from others. Anybody with working eyes could easily see what made your clan so different. Most would take notice of their fluffy cat ears perched on their head first, second their fluffy tail as it swayed by their feet, third their sharp teeth, and lastly their pupils. They would notice their pupils last, the reason being their pupils change when they are attacking. The pupil would dilate and their look menacing.

Not only were their looks different from other clans but the clan's ability as well. Their people would be able to see in the night, an advantage when at war. Their advanced hearing and smell also proved as an advantage in the shinobi world. The ability to retract their razor sharp claws.  The clan also showed an impressive amount of flexibility, reaction time, stamina, strength, and speed. Able to dodge an attack in an instant, in a blink of the eye, even the sharingan could barley catch up to their speed. The clan was greatly feared. Thus the reason why the clan was nearly wiped out. Many years ago multiple clans had joined together, their goal, to destroy the l/n clan.

On that day it would have been the end for the clan but luckily a few were able to escape. Some of the few stayed together, others went on their own but nonetheless they were all scattered around the shinobi world.

You were born into a family where the mother and father were the only lovers to escape together. Your mother a kind, gentle, caring, and loving wife. Your father a kind minded, hardworking, jokester and perverted-minded husband. Your family lived in the forest away from civilization and other clans in peace. Your father was great at maintaining a garden where he grew fruits and vegetables for the family to eat. Unlike your father, your mother was great at caring and maintaining animals. She cared for the livestock. Your parents trained you in combat. You asked multiple times why you needed to learn to fight but they never answered instead they changed the subject. Everyday in the afternoon you trained with them or by yourself.

At the age of 17 you were walking home after an afternoon of training for something you didn't know why. Nearing home you could hear the animals going insane. You quickly rushed home to find your parents dead by the porch and 5 men around them. Enraged, and saddened by their deaths and without a hesitation you attacked the men. In a blur the fight was over and you were towering over their bodies. On that day you finally knew why you were trained at a young age, to protect yourself from this cruel world.

Since that day you left your home and ventured into civilization. Within a year you went through many hardships. You didn't know you had to pay for many things which lead to many misunderstandings. You had many men try to take advantage of you. And the hardest of all you didn't know how to get and keep a job. You were left out in the streets for many months. Desperate for a job you asked many in the street if they had a job for you. The men would give you perverted looks. The woman would give you looks of disgust. The children would only look at you in confusion and sympathy. Starving and cold you were finally considering to accept the offers the men would give you when asking for a job. With a tiny bit of hope you approached a man with a mask and a black cloak with red clouds for a job. At first he said to get lost but after begging he asked if you would do a bounty and after an explanation what a bounty was you agreed.

You and the masked man called Kakuzu searched for the man you had to take down. After catching the smell of a man you followed it while Kakuzu went to search on his own. From a distant  you examined the man's face and his body to see if this was the man you had to take down. After analyzing you had come to the conclusion he was and took him down. He didn't have a chance to react before you whipped out your claws and slicing his neck. Retracting your claws you carried the man on your back and followed the scent of Kakuzu.

"Kakuzu-san I have the bounty." You said shyly. Kakuzu turned around and was surprised to see you carrying the man who was twice the size on your back with ease.

" I didn't even hear you come... How did you find him and capture him so quickly? Barely 30 minutes have passed...."

" I found him by his smell and I killed him  with my claws, Kakuzu-San." You said nervously. Kakuzu was in deep thought until an idea came to his mind. " How would you like to assist me in bounties? I would pay you 25% of what we collect."

"Yes please!" You said quickly with happiness in your voice.

" Good. Follow me so we can take him to a bounty office and collect our payment and we can continue for more." He said before grabbing the man's body off your back.

You followed Kakuzu to the bounty collection office and looked around while Kakuzu was counting the money. When Kakuzu finally finished counting he said something to the man and the man went to the back and came back with a book in his hands. You watched as Kakuzu took the book and the suitcase and motioned for you to follow him. You followed him as you left the building and went to the forest.

" Sit right there." He said pointing at a rock. You followed his orders and sat down. He opened the suitcase and pulled out a stack full of money and handed it to you.

" Here's your payment, $10,000. And this is a bingo book. This is a book of bounties and the amount of how much they are worth. I suggest updating your bingo book once every week when we enter the collection office."

" Thank you so much Kakuzu-san!" You said receiving the money and the book.

" Spend your money wisely, kid. Meet me in this forest at 8:00am tomorrow for your next job."

" Of course Kakuzu-san!"

Kakuzu picked up his suitcase and walked away. You opened the bingo book and saw  many faces. Many which you recognized and remember were staying at the village. As you flipped the pages a few faces caught your attention, especially a white haired man with an insane look on his face. You read the name under his profile picture, Hidan.

Finally deciding to leave you walked back to the village and stayed at a cheap inn.

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