The final goodbye

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Kaname's POV

I glared at my daughter how dare she make such a claim!

"Father tell me the truth I know that it wasn't the fire that killed mother and brother someone was behind it an you've been protecting them so you'd be better off!" She yelled

"Are you sure you want to know about such a tragedy do you understand how much this information will scar you if I do tell you?" I asked calmly yet angrily

She looked determined yet scared

"Yes, I want to know, I know it has to do with the ootoris and the Miyames hatake kun also told me that the ootoris were behind it if that's true then why you and him are still friends?!" she yelled(note: she's referring to kyoya's dad)

"Because it was the families choice" I said calmly

"What do you mean the families choice?"

"After the incident happened having realized both families the Miyame and the ootoris that it was pity revenge to have sacrificed so many lives because of one's foolishness in order to avoid possible revenge from the Asuna your mothers side the ootoris and Miyames agreed to leave each other in peace the only condition was that the agreement would be finalized through a marriage of both families that's when you and kyoya came in" I said

"You...used me, and...kyoya as a contract for protection if grandmother was ever to declare revenge on you?!" She exclaimed

"Yes" I flatly said

She started to tremble but not in fear but in anger

"But why? why would you go this far to avoid revenge?! Why force me to marry the son of the man who killed my mother and sibling?! why would want that?!" She yelled

"I had no choice it was my only option I don't desire revenge Yuki it died along with your mother years ago however if that's what you really want revenge if it makes you complete then start with me" I said

"You want me to kill you!" She said shocked

I grabbed her arm and flipped her on top of me I grabbed her wrist and placed them around my neck

"I know you want to kill me and him and maybe kyoya for being part of this I'm not stopping you but remember this no matter what you become a murder or something else I'll always love you Yuki"

She cried her tears falling from her face to mine falling down

"I can't I can't kill you doesn't matter what you've done your still...your still...MY FATHER!"

My eyes widened at her response

Yuki's POV

"Your still...MY FATHER"

"Killing you doesn't resolve anything revenge won't bring them back didn't you know any better revenge won't fill the empty inside you" I cried

"I won't become a murder mother wouldn't have wanted this for me"

"Len oniisama sacrificed himself so I could survive and become stronger"

"That's why I can't do this!"

"I don't want to hurt anybody I don't want Okasan to be sad for me" I cried

"Idiot, your such an idiot" I whimpered

I got up and walked over to the door

Father still shocked snapped out of it and asked me

"Where are you going now Yuki are you going to run away?"

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